EasyApache 3 Has Reached End-Of-Life

EasyApache Version 3 has been officially deprecated as of 31 December 2018 and will no longer be receiving updates or support from cPanel. The InMotion Hosting system administration team will be performing upgrades over the next few weeks for customers still using PHP 5.3 or below. PHP 5.4 is required for EasyApache 4. If you Read More >

Remove Older PHP Versions in WHM

As PHP 5.6 and 7.0 reaches end of life, VPS users will want to remove these packages to improve server security. Below we cover how to remove PHP versions using Easy Apache 4 in WHM. Remove PHP Versions Further secure your VPS with best security practices, ConfigServer & Firewall (CSF), and email authentication.

How to Check the Version of EasyApache Running

Servers running cPanel come with their custom software, EasyApache, which controls the PHP and Apache configurations. If you need to change PHP settings and you are running EasyApache 3 (EA3 which is now obsolete), you may directly modify the php.ini file to change them. However, if you are running EasyApache 4 (EA4), direct changes to Read More >

How to Remove a Custom EasyApache 4 Profile

cPanel includes a few default EasyApache 4 profiles that allow you to easily provision one listed under Available Profiles in WHM. Alternatively, you can customize your own configuration and save a custom profile to include in WHM’s list of Available Profiles. If you no longer wish to keep your custom profile, you can delete the Read More >

Installing suPHP with mod_suphp using EasyApache 4

In This Tutorial: Install suPHP Change PHP Handler Confirm Changes suPHP is one of a few PHP Handlers availble to choose from. suPHP runs as a CGI module and its major benefits are stronger security and easy permissions management. In this guide, you will learn how to install suPHP with mod_suphp using EasyApache 4. NOTE: Read More >

How to Save a Custom EasyApache 4 Profile

In This Tutorial: Convert Save Upload Using EasyApache 4 (EA4), you can easily manipulate the configuration for PHP and Apache by installing various modules and extensions that may be required for your website. EA4 comes with a few default configurations called Profiles. These profiles are custom configuration templates that include specific PHP and Apache modules Read More >

How to Install HTTP/2 in WebHost Manager (WHM)

If you have just purchased your VPS or Dedicated server account, then congratulations you do not need to install HTTP/2 as it is already included. However, if you need to install it then it is a fairly simple process. You will need to have EasyApache 4 please review the instructions and conditions below if you Read More >

Installing DSO with mod_ruid2 using EasyApache 4

In This Tutorial: Install DSO/mod_ruid2 Confirm DSO Available Set DSO Handler Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) is an Apache module that is used to handle PHP scripts. It is one of a few PHP Handlers available to choose from. Its major benefits are speed and the ability to use OpCode caching. When implemented with the Apache Read More >

How to Revert an EasyApache Migration

EasyApache 4 is the most current version available with cPanel. If you ran the EasyApache 3 (EA3) to EasyApache 4 (EA4) migration and it caused issues with your site, you can revert the EasyApache conversion. Below, are the steps for how to revert an EasyApache migration after you have completed a conversion from EA3 to Read More >

How to Install a PHP Extension Using EasyApache 4

If you’re looking to install a PHP extension on your PHP web hosting, EasyApache 4 (EA4) offers a seamless solution. It simplifies the management of PHP extensions compared to EasyApache 3 (EA3). In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing the fileinfo PHP extension using EasyApache 4. You can easily follow Read More >

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