Fixing WordPress Redirect Errors

There have been quite a few instances where people cannot access certain areas of their WordPress after upgrading the WordPress core files, usually the Themes or Plugins sections. This behavior usually manifests as redirecting back to the main page of the site, though 404 pages have also been reported. Follow the instructions below as we demonstrate how to fix this for your WordPress site.

How to Fix WordPress Redirect Errors using cPanel

  1. First, log into your cPanel dashboard.
  2. Once logged into the cPanel, find the Files category and then look for the File Manager icon. Enter the File Manager choosing the Home Directory option. Also, be sure that the radio button option for Show hidden files (dotfiles) is selected as well, since the file we are going to edit is one of these types. Click on the Go button.
  3. This lists the files in the topmost directory of your account, also known as the Home Directory. From here, look for a file entitled .htaccess. If one is found, you will want to open the file for editing.
    cPanel File Manager
  4. Now that the file is open for editing, look for a line of code that looks like the following:
    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php52 .php

    After locating that specific line of code place a hash # at the very front of the line to comment it out so it does not run.

    #AddHandler application/x-httpd-php52 .php
  5. Once you have disabled the line of code, then click on the Save Changes button in the upper right corner of the screen to save the change. Now you can attempt to visit the areas of your WordPress site that were previously affected and they should now work properly.

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