How to Use Columns in WordPress FSE

The columns block allows you to use multiple columns through the site/template editor or page/post editor. Using columns helps provide organization for your content so that you can more efficiently fit media and text on the screen in various layouts. This article will help you understand how you can use the column block and provide Read More >

Using the Row and Stack Blocks in WordPress FSE

The row and stack blocks are important design elements that can be interchangeably used for both the site and template editor and page or post editor in the WordPress Full Site Editing system. Rows allow you to group blocks horizontally. This is similar to using the columns block but without the automatic size adjustment to Read More >

How to Use the Search Block in WordPress FSE

The Search block is a widget used to search the published content of your WordPress site. This tutorial will show you how to use the search block in the WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE) system. We will also provide some background information on the block and how it works with your WordPress site. How to Read More >

Block Preferences in WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE)

This tutorial will explain the block preferences of the editors available in WordPress today. The WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE) system includes multiple editors that use the block system originally created through the Gutenberg project. Understanding the Different Editors in WordPress Describing the Block Preferences for Each Editor Understanding the Different Editors in WordPress Before Read More >

How to Add Custom Fields in WordPress FSE

Adding custom fields is a simple task when you’re using the full site editing system (FSE) in WordPress. You need to know where the option is hidden and the data that you’re adding. Custom fields are used in WordPress pages and posts. They can provide valuable data for your post/page and help search engines with Read More >

How to Build a Website Using Patterns in WordPress FSE

WordPress websites are often built based on a theme, and they often have predefined formats on what their pages will look like.  With patterns, you can take a simple theme like the default Twenty Twenty-two theme and use the full site editing system to create your own template. Since free Patterns are also available on Read More >

Creating Submenus Using the WordPress FSE

One of the biggest obstacles to many WordPress users is the change in the menu creation process when going to the Full Site Editing (FSE) system.  Creating custom menus appears to take the biggest hit.  However, if you haven’t already tried it, the FSE system’s method of building menus is still very flexible and capable Read More >

How to Add Video Using Blocks or Patterns with WordPress FSE

A common task with adding content is adding a video to a post or page.  This tutorial will guide you through the process of adding videos to your WordPress site.  We will discuss common concerns to think about before using video content,  using the blocks and patterns available in the full site editing system (FSE), Read More >

How to Pick Block-based Themes in WordPress

Block-based themes allow users to use the full site editing features of WordPress. With the integration of the site editor in the WordPress 5.9 release, developers have become more active in releasing block themes.  This article highlights three block themes that have been released.  We will provide descriptions of the themes that can help you Read More >

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