How to Add a Blog Menu Entry in your BoldGrid Site

If you are familiar with using BoldGrid, you may see an inspiration that does not include a blog section for the website. Since blogging is the strength of using WordPress, it’s odd that there isn’t a section already create for it. However, it’s a very quick and easy matter to create a blog section in the site. Your BoldGrid site is based on WordPress so all of the functionality for having an effective blog are present. Follow the tutorial below and you’ll see how to get the menu item for a blog on your BoldGrid site.

  1. Login to your BoldGrid Administrator
  2. Notice that there is an entry called Blog Posts in the menu at left. The website design for the inspiration may be created without a blog section because its focus is on design or other motifs. Click on Pages and we’ll create a section for the menu called “Blog”.

  3. In Pages, click on Add New. Type in “Blog” for the Page title. Scroll down on the right and make sure the page has the right Parent or Template. Typically, if it’s a page on it’s own, then it will be “no parent”.

  4. Then in the box above the Page Attributes, click on the Development Group you’re using (Active or Staging). If you’re working with the live site, it will be Active. You can also fill in Search Engine Optimization or the Meta Description at the bottom of the page.

  5. Next click on Publish. If you’re updating an existing page, it will say Update.
  6. Once the page is saved, click on Customize in the menu at left, then click on Menus.

  7. Click on your main menu structure – here it is called Primary.

  8. Click on the Add Items button

  9. Click on Pages, then click on the Blog page that you created. This will add the entry to the bottom of your menu at left.

  10. If you wish to re-order the menu, simply click and drag until you have the menu in the correct position.

  11. Click on the Save and Publish button at the top to save your changes. You will now see the Blog option in your menu.
  12. The next step is to change your front page to use a static page and set the Posts page to use your newly created Blogs page. Click on back button to get the main Customization menu. Click on Advanced.
  13. Next click on Static Front Page. By default, it’s typically set to “Your latest posts.”. Change it to Static page by clicking on the radial button, then click on the drop down for the Front Page and select Home. Next click on the drop down button for Posts page and click on Blog

  14. Click on the Save and Publish button to save your changes.

This completes the tutorial for creating a blog link to use the Blog options within BoldGrid.

Arnel Custodio Content Writer I

As a writer for InMotion Hosting, Arnel has always aimed to share helpful information and provide knowledge that will help solve problems and aid in achieving goals. He's also been active with WordPress local community groups and events since 2004.

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4 thoughts on “How to Add a Blog Menu Entry in your BoldGrid Site

  1. Contacted Inmotion support, after a chat, was told I will get an answer…Still waiting…I have followed the steps above, all good but my Pavilion template display posts with a large empty column on the right.

    I also can not change the blog settings to summary or gallery display… 

    1. Hello Daniel,

      The right column space is there by design. It is where widgets go when added to the sidebar.

      Would you explain specifically what you are trying to change in regards to summary and gallery display?

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

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