cPanel Archives - InMotion Hosting Support Center Web Hosting Support & Tutorials Tue, 17 Oct 2023 19:36:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cPanel Archives - InMotion Hosting Support Center 32 32 Preventing the “Index Of” listing page using the Index Manager Mon, 18 Jul 2022 15:05:00 +0000 Read More >]]> Proper structure is important when building a website. Including an index page in each folder is one of the basic steps to both design and security. By default, if a visitor lands on a subdirectory without an index page, they will see an “Index Of” page that lists all files and folders under that directory. This can be at the least embarrassing and unprofessional and at most a security risk. Follow the instructions below to learn about preventing the “Index Of” listing page using the Index Manager in the cPanel.

How to prevent displaying the “Index Of” page via cPanel

  1. First, log into your cPanel interface.
  2. Look through the categories listing on the right hand panel of the main cPanel page and find the Advanced category. Click on the Indexes icon to continue.
    Advanced pane of cPanel, with the Indexes button highlighted
  3. On the next page, you can select the directory you want to edit. The directories you see are all of the directories in the top level of cPanel’s home folder, just as you’d see if you opened the cPanel File Manager. If the directory you want to edit is a few levels deep, click through the directories on the left until you find the one you want to edit, then click the Edit button for that directory.
    The Indexes tool in cPanel. A domain and its related index type and Edit action button are highlighted
  4. You are now brought to a screen where you can select the Indexing style you want to present. To prevent any index listing at all, simply select the No Indexing radio button. Click Save to activate your selection.
    the cPanel indexes tool for a specific domain, showing the for choices: Inherit, No Indexing, Show Filename Only, Show Filename and Description
  5. Now you can visit your site and view the same directory or subdirectory without an index file. You should receive a 403 Forbidden page instead of a list of files. Below is a before and after shot demonstrating how the No Index setting prevents the display of the file list.
    A standard 'Index of' page, unsecured and public, showing all files and directories
    webpage showing Error 403 Forbidden, after the indexing of the page has been deactivated
Give your small business a digital presence with our fast, secure Shared Hosting solutions. Easily manage your websites with the industry-leading control panel on up to 20x faster web hosting that fits your budget.
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How Much Will You Pay For cPanel Licenses? Tue, 28 Jun 2022 18:20:00 +0000 Read More >]]> New Pricing for cPanel Licenses

Pricing for hosting providers and consumers that use cPanel, and WebHost Manager (WHM), changed in a significant way after cPanel introduced a new licensing structure. How do new cPanel licenses affect you?

In this article, you will get all the information you need to know about the new cPanel pricing structure and how it affects your hosting plan.

cPanel Has Changed Its Pricing Structure

cPanel licenses are now usage-based. This change was made by cPanel, and it affects every host that runs cPanel on its servers–not limited to InMotion Hosting. Making an effort to help as much as possible, InMotion Hosting has been carefully considering how this price change affects you, the user, most fairly.

The pricing change will most affect VPS, Dedicated, and Reseller hosting products running cPanel.

InMotion Hosting cPanel Pricing Adjustments

cPanel’s new usage-based pricing structure eliminates our ability to allow customers to host unlimited cPanel accounts for VPS, Dedicated, and Reseller hosting plans.

cPanel Prices For Managed VPS Hosting

The cPanel licenses will vary based on usage, this billing change went into effect starting February 27, 2023.

Number of AccountsBase Monthly PriceAdditonal License PriceTotal Monthly Price

Cloud Server Hosting accounts remain unchanged since they do not run cPanel.

cPanel Prices For Dedicated Server Hosting

All Dedicated Server Hosting plans will be charged a $25 monthly fee for Managed Services and Support if there is cPanel on the account.

There may be additional fees for the number of cPanel accounts on the plan.

cPanel AccountsMonthly Base FeeAdditional cPanel Cost
0 to 100 Accounts$25 monthly feeIncluded; No fee
101 to 150 Accounts$25 monthly fee$25.50/month
151 to 200 Accounts$25 monthly fee$31.50/month
201 to 250 Accounts$25 monthly fee$37.50/month
Additional Accounts up to 2,000$25 monthly fee$6/month per additional 50 accounts
cPanel License Structure For Managed Dedicated Servers

cPanel Prices For Reseller Hosting

Customers with Reseller Hosting plans will not be charged an additional fee based on the Reseller Hosting plan’s cPanel usage. However, each type of Reseller Hosting plan has a maximum number of cPanel accounts available.

Resellers will no longer be able to host unlimited cPanel accounts, and will instead have the following limits:

Reseller PlansNumber of Child Accounts
R-1000SUp to 25 Accounts
R-2000SUp to 50 Accounts
R-3000SUp to 80 Accounts
R-4000SUp to 100 Accounts
cPanel License Structure For Reseller Hosting

Resellers are limited to 100 accounts. Once you hit this limit, you must upgrade to a cPanel VPS, a Dedicated Server, or purchase an additional Reseller Hosting plan to host additional cPanel accounts.

InMotion Shared Hosting plans (including Business Class and Classic WordPress Hosting) will not incur a cost increase.

What can you do today to make this change easier?

Experienced system administrators may see this as the perfect time to migrate to bare metal Cloud Servers without cPanel and install a lightweight replacement such as Webmin or Vesta Control Panel.

If you have any questions regarding changes to cPanel licenses, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 Live Support anytime.

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How To Setup Node.js App in cPanel Thu, 17 Feb 2022 19:13:23 +0000 Read More >]]> Setup Node.js App in cPanel

Node.js is a popular, event-driven JavaScript runtime you can use to build robust web applications. If you are already familiar with creating Node.js apps, you may be wondering how to get your app onto a shared server, a hosting environment in which you are limited in customization. Node.js requires some configuration of your server environment. But now, you can use a virtual environment within your shared hosting environment that allows for the customization necessary to run your app. Learn how to set up a Node.js in cPanel below.

Setup Node.js App in cPanel

  1. Log into cPanel
  2. Choose Setup Node.js App under Software
    Setup node.js app
  3. Click Create Application (002)
    Create node.js application
  4. Fill in the Application root field (this is the directory in which you will upload for application files)
  5. Select your Application URL and startup file (if you do not name a startup file, app.js is used as the default)
  6. Fill in the remaining fields with your preferred values
  7. Click Create when ready

Enter The Virtual Environment Command Line

If necessary, you have the option of logging into your server via SSH and administering the app on the command line. For some users, it is considered preferable or faster to do some administrative work on the command line. With this cPanel feature, you can easily access the command line for your app and work in a safe, virtual environment.

Copy the “source” command listed above your app settings:

Source command to enter application

Once you have logged into the server via SSH, copy and paste the “source” command into the command prompt and hit ENTER.

You will then see that you have been logged into your Node virtual environment, seeing a command prompt similar to the following:

[example-node-root (10)] [userna5@server-hostname example-node-root]$ 

Stopping and Restarting Your App

You can also stop and restart your app whenever you may need it. This can be done easily from the cPanel interface.

  1. Log into cPanel (as you did above)
  2. Choose Setup Node.js App under Software
  3. Select your app from the list of existing applications
  4. Click to stop, restart, or edit your application under the Actions table
    Stop, restart, or edit node.js application

Well done! You now know how to set up a Node.js app in your cPanel.

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Special Features of The Ruby Programming Language Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:58:00 +0000 Read More >]]>

Deciding on taking up a programming language comes with many different considerations. Languages have many differences beyond just their syntax. Languages can be compiled or interpreted, with strong or weak typing, and availability of object-oriented programming options. In this article, we will focus on the Ruby programming language and some of the features you may consider when reviewing it for your next project.

Special Features of The Ruby Programming Language

In this article, you will learn some of the special features of the Ruby language as compared to features of other languages, so you can get better understanding of Ruby and decide if it is a language you would like to have in your development toolkit. But note, some of these features may have overlap with other interpreted languages like Python. However, the best way to get a feel for what makes Ruby special is to get your hands in the code and try it out.

Interpreted Language

There is an ongoing debate among developers about the performance and benefits of compiled versus interpreted languages. Ruby is interpreted language, which means the code you write is interpreted by a program (Ruby itself, as an exectutable file) to give you results.

One of the clear benefits of interpreted languages is that they are widely supported. Just about every computer on the market has a copy of the Ruby exectuable (the file that interprets Ruby code). Or if not, Ruby can be easily installed. This makes support for Ruby apps virtually universal. And, the programs can be easily self-contained, even running on different versions within the same workstation. So if you’re developing a program in Ruby version 2.5 and one in version 2.7, you can easily keep them separated or change versions of the fly using the Ruby Version Manager.

The general rule about interpreted programs is that they are fast to produce because you can start coding and seeing results right away without having to worry about setting up a compiler. On the flip side, however, compiled programs tend to run faster in action. This, again, depends largely on the size and complexity of the program. (You may never notice any serious lag in performance.)

Compiling a program has the additional benefit of obfuscating the source code, which is preferable for some proprietary programs that do not want to have their code available to the general public for copying. However, if you plan on making your Ruby code open source then this is no problem for you.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Support

Ruby comes with built-in support for object-oriented programming, as opposed to procedural programming. While procedural programming starts from the beginning and works down through a series of instructions, object-oriented programming provides opportunities to have code set aside that will only run based on certain contexts. However, the choice between both styles depends on the programmer. Just because Ruby support object-oriented programming doesn’t mean you have to use it. If you prefer a procedural, functional, or other style of coding, you are free to use that.

Dynamic Typing

No, this does not mean that Ruby will type itself for you. It means that if you set a type of data for a particular variable you can later change that data type. You may be familiar with how languages like C and Java require that, for example, an integer needs to be declared as such. And if the variable assignment must change at a different point in the program it needs to be converted. Dynamic typing, as you have available in Ruby, allows you to seemlessly change the type of data in any given variable.

Many Different Implemenations

The classic Ruby you know is written in C, so you can extend it — if you know C. But there are other implementations of Ruby, such as JRuby, which is written in Java. So if you know Java, you can use JRuby to extend your work in Ruby. This kind of flexibility makes Ruby an attractive option for programmers who already work in other languages.

Give your small business a digital presence with our fast, secure Shared Hosting solutions. Easily manage your websites with the industry-leading control panel on up to 20x faster web hosting that fits your budget.
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Basics of RVM – Ruby Version Manager Wed, 02 Feb 2022 18:34:09 +0000 Read More >]]> Basics of RVM - The Ruby Version Manager

Installing, using, or developing Ruby applications can vary from system to system. Different workstations might have different versions of Ruby installed. This can be a big problem if your application depends on a specific version to run properly. And changing the default system version can be very difficult, so what are your options. RVM, the Ruby Version Manager, is a separate application you can install to easily switch between different versions of Ruby.

Basics of RVM (Ruby Version Manager)

As you may be aware, Ruby is an “interpreted” language. It uses an executable file to interpret your code and produce the proper output. This means the Ruby executable file need not be only present at the system level. You can have multiple Ruby executables in different places.

In principal, this is how RVM works. If you need to manage a different version of Ruby than the one installed on your system, you can use RVM to install and execute multiple versions.

What’s The Point Of Having Multiple Ruby Versions?

Or, why is this important, why does it matter? In general, it’s always best to run the latest and greatest versions of any mission-critical software. But often, particularly for developers, upgrades can be costly. A piece of software needs to be tested on the new version before comitting to it. Bugs may need to be worked out.

Likewise, imagine a routine system upgrade switches you to the newest version of Ruby, and this breaks a piece of software you use for work every day. Do you think you can easily switch back to the previous version until the bugs are worked out? Likely not.

These are instances in which the Ruby Version Manager can save you.

How To Install RVM

Installation of RVM may vary slightly depending on your operating system. But basically, installation involves the running of a remote installation script. Some users may need to update their bash profile to include RVM command support.

For Mac and Windows, the standard installation should be sufficient. The dedicated Ubuntu setup will likely work well for any Debian-based Linux distribution.

Install Multiple Ruby Versions In One System

Once you have installed RVM, you can install multiple versions of Ruby by simply typing the version number. For example, to install version 2.5.0 you can run the following:

rvm install 2.5.0

You can install any version of Ruby necessary to run your application.

Switch Versions on The Fly

To switch from the system Ruby version to your desired version, you can run the use command. For example, if you want to use version 2.5.0 you can run the following command:

rvm use 2.5.0

And you can check your version to make sure that you have successfully made the switch:

ruby -v

You will see an output similar this one:

ruby 2.5.0p0 (2017-12-25 revision 61468) [x86_64-linux]

A Note On Shared Server Support

In most cases, you will be able to manage a local Ruby application using RVM and upload it to your server. If you need to change the default server version of Ruby available in shared hosting it is possible to install RVM. However, you may encounter an error during the compilation phase. If you have any issues while using RVM live in the server environment feel free to reach out to live support.

Launch your web presence quickly and easily with Shared Hosting. Our user-friendly hosting is perfect for everyone, providing the fastest shared hosting experience possible, all powered by cPanel.

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Understanding Website Character Encoding in cPanel Wed, 11 Aug 2021 21:20:00 +0000 Read More >]]> Learn about Website Character Encoding in cPanel

Website character encoding can be a huge issue if you are not using standard characters on your website. For example, if you open a file in the Editor within cPanel and do not choose the correct character set, the editor may delete code or display characters incorrectly. This can often happen when you are editing content that was written using foreign characters.

But, if your website uses the English Alphabet and standard characters, the character encoding is usually not an issue since the standard encoding of the editor is UTF-8. However, if you use different character encoding, such as EUC-JP, you will need to adjust the character encoding in cPanel.

This guide will show you how to set character encoding using the cPanel File Manager.

Select a Website Character Encoding

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Open the File Manager in the Files section.
    Edit Website Files with cPanel File Manager
  3. Navigate to the file you want to edit.
    Open the Folder that Contains the File You Want to Edit
  4. Right-click on the file you wish to work with and select Edit.
    Website Character Encoding - Edit File
  5. If you see a pop-up message, you can click the dropdown menu to set character encoding as needed then click Edit.
    Choosing a Website Character Encoding
  6. If you are directly taken to the file editor, you can click the drop-down menu from the top and choose your preferred website character encoding.
    Website Character Encoding - Drop-down menu
  7. Click the Re-open button and the editor will reload with your chosen website encoding. Now, the code for your file should display properly.
    Website Character Encoding - Re-open File

Congratulations, now you know how to select your website character encoding using the cPanel File Manager. Remember, if you are using standard encoding, you can leave the default setting to UTF-8. Check out our cPanel Education Channel for more helpful tutorials.

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How to Upload a File With cPanel File Manager Wed, 11 Aug 2021 19:31:00 +0000 Read More >]]> Learn How to Upload a File With cPanel File Manager

The cPanel File Manager makes it easy to upload a file to your account. Sometimes this is necessary, for example, when trying to verify ownership of the site for Google Search Console. If you are unfamiliar with File Manager in cPanel, please see our article on Using the cPanel File Manager.

In this example, we’re going to upload a test.html file to the public_html folder in File Manager. So when you visit the file through a web browser, you’d go to This is important to know so you can ensure you are testing the right file.

If you wanted to place the file in a subfolder called test, then to visit the file in a browser you’d go to:

Upload a File In cPanel

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. On the home screen under the Files section choose File Manager.
    Upload a File in cPanel - File Manager
  3. Click the Settings icon in your File Manager window.
    Upload a File in cPanel - click on the settings button
  4. Next, choose the folder location you’d like to start in. For this example, we’re going to use the Document Root for our website.
    Upload a File - select document root, hidden files, and click save
  5. Select Upload from the icons at the top.
    How to Upload a File in cPanel - Upload
  6. Navigate to the file you want to upload on your local computer by clicking the “Select File” button.
    Upload a File in cPanel - Choose File
  7. Select the file and click Open. Once the file is finished uploading you can click on the link in the center of the screen to return to the folder you uploaded the file to.
    Upload a File - Selecting File
  8. Now, in a web browser, we can visit the file and verify it uploaded to the location correctly.
    Upload a File - View of Uploaded File

Congratulations, now you know how to upload a file with cPanel File Manager. Check out our cPanel Education Channel for more tutorials to help you build a successful website.

Give your small business a digital presence with our fast, secure Shared Hosting solutions. Easily manage your websites with the industry-leading control panel on up to 20x faster web hosting that fits your budget.
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How to Edit HTML Code in cPanel Wed, 11 Aug 2021 18:19:00 +0000 Read More >]]> Learn how to edit HTML code in cPanel

It’s inevitable that you will have to edit HTML code for your website. Maybe you need to update the path for an image or change the paragraph text on your website, for example. If you have minor changes to make that can be done quickly, you can use the HTML Editor in the cPanel File Manager to change the code. This is called “Editing on the fly“, which is changing the files of the source website while it’s live. Let’s go to the File Manager and see how this cPanel code editor works.

Important! Editing the code in a file on the server can break your website if you do not know what you are doing. Because the file is being used by the live website, we always recommend editing a backup copy of the file instead of the files on the server. Make a backup copy of the file before editing it by right-clicking the file, selecting the Copy option, then entering a new file location. You can also edit a file using FTP, or create a clone of your site for testing using Softaculous.

Edit HTML Code in cPanel

  1. Login to your cPanel.
  2. Go to the File Manager in the Files section.
    Edit Website Files with cPanel File Manager
  3. Navigate to the HTML page you want to edit.
    Open the Folder that Contains the File You Want to Edit
  4. Right-click the file and choose the HTML Edit option. You can also select the file and click the HTML Editor link on top.
    Edit HTML File - Right-Click Menu
  5. Now you should see the HTML Editor interface. You can make changes to the page using the visual editor and top toolbar.
    Using the Visual HTML Editor in cPanel
  6. You can also click the Source button to add code or change code in your file.
    Edit HTML Code - View Source
  7. If you see a pop-up message, read the warning then click the Edit button.
    Edit HTML Code - Encoding
  8. When you are done making the changes, you can click Save on the top left.
    Edit HTML Code - Saving Changes

HTML Editor Features

Now that you know how to use the HTML editor in the cPanel File Manager, we will go over the features that are included.

Text EditorThis is the actual place where the editing occurs. This is the main view of the HTML Editor.
HTML Text Editor
Paste ToolsThese tools can be used to insert or paste it into the cPanel code editor. This can save you time when you are copying text from another location or moving text around the page.
HTML Editor Paste Tool
Find & Replace ToolsThese buttons can be used for locating specific lines of code or text and replacing them with different text. This is handy for making multiple changes to the same code.
Access the Find & Replace Tool
Element Buttons
Text/Styling ToolsThe text and styling tools are used for customizing text. For example, you can choose a “Header 1” option to insert a header on the page. Then change the font and size of the paragraph content contained on the page.
Tools for Text Styling
Link/Anchor ButtonsYou can use the link button for easily creating hyperlinks to other pages or sites. The Anchor buttons can be used to link to a specific section of a page.
Link Anchor Tool Buttons
Media/Special Character ButtonsThese buttons can help you add components to your web page. For example, you can easily insert images, embed media, add tables, and special characters.
Insert HTML Page Elements

Also, keep in mind that you can click the Source button at any time to edit the code directly, without using the toolbar.

Edit HTML Source Code

Now you know how to edit HTML code in cPanel! You can begin making changes to your website on the fly. Check out our cPanel Education Channel for more helpful tutorials.

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How to Setup DMARC Records in cPanel Mon, 05 Jul 2021 20:40:00 +0000 Read More >]]> DMARC Setup Guide - Learn How to Setup DMARC Records in cPanel

In this tutorial, we show you how to setup DMARC records in cPanel to specify how mail servers should handle messages from your domain that don’t have valid SPF and DKIM records setup. Since the DMARC standard is used by many email providers (such as Gmail, Yahoo!, AOL, Hotmail, Outlook), it increases your chances of email being delivered successfully. We provide basic DMARC record examples below.

Don’t have time to read our full article? Watch our walk-through video.

DMARC Setup Steps

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Click Zone Editor under Domains.
    DMARC setup in cPanel
  3. Click the Manage button next to the domain you want to work with.
    Manage Domain -Setup DMARC
  4. Click the +Add Record button.
    Setup DMARC - Add Record
  5. Change the Type from A to TXT.
  6. Enter the Name, TTL, Type, and Record as described below. Keep in mind that you must select one of the following options for the Record field: None, Reject, or Quarantine.
    Field Setting
    Name _dmarc
    TTL 14400
    Type TXT
    Record In this field you must choose how you want recipient servers to handle email from your domain that fails SPF/DKIM validation. Options are outlined below in red:
    None: v=DMARC1; p=none; sp=none; rf=afrf; pct=100; ri=86400
    Reject: v=DMARC1; p=reject; sp=none; rf=afrf; pct=100; ri=86400
    Quarantine: v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=none; rf=afrf; pct=100; ri=86400

    Alternately, you can request an email report of failed DMARC validations by adding a valid email address, such as the following:

    None: v=DMARC1; p=none; sp=none;; rf=afrf; pct=100; ri=86400
    Reject: v=DMARC1; p=reject; sp=none; rf=afrf; pct=100;; ri=86400
    Quarantine: v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; sp=none;; rf=afrf; pct=100; ri=86400

  7. Click Add Record to save your record.

    Note: In Zone Editor, typing “_dmarc” will autopopulate the domain.

    Saving DMARC settings

    You will then see your record listed in the Zone Records section.

Congratulations, now you know how to setup DMARC records in your cPanel for email validation.

Are you a small business? Then you know that having your emails successfully delivered to the recipients is only half the battle with email marketing. InMotion’s Shared Hosting plans include a number of helpful tools to take your email marketing game to the next level.

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How to Create a Thumbnail Image Using cPanel Fri, 26 Mar 2021 20:05:00 +0000 Read More >]]> Learn How to Create a Thumbnail Image in cPanel

In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a thumbnail image using the Thumbnailer tool included in cPanel. This is an easy way to quickly resize (or scale) a large image since thumbnails load faster. This can result in overall improvements to page speed and a better user experience.

cPanel features many tools designed to make tasks related to hosting a website easier to manage. When working with images for your website, the Images section of cPanel will simplify creating thumbnails, converting image file types, and scaling/resizing images.

If you are looking to create video thumbnails, check out How to Create Thumbnails for your YouTube Video.

Take your business to the next level! Meet your customers online with InMotion’s Shared Hosting plans. Easily manage multiple separate websites, email accounts, and domains from a single hosting account.

How to Create a Thumbnail

Now that you know what a thumbnail is, we’ll show you how to create them using the cPanel tool called Thumbnailer.

NOTE: The images you would like to create thumbnails for must already be uploaded to your cPanel account.

  1. Login to your cPanel account.
  2. Under the Files subheader, click on the Images icon.
    Create a Thumbnail Image - cPanel
  3. Click on the Thumbnailer link.
    Create Thumbnail Image Using Thumbnailer
  4. Locate the image folder that you would like to create thumbnails for. You must thumbnail the entire folder so you may want to create a new folder and move all the images there.
  5. Click the Thumbnail button next to the folder containing the images you want to thumbnail.
    Create a Thumbnail Image - Folder Selection
  6. Once a selection is made, cPanel will allow you to specify the percentage (%) by which you want to scale the width and height of your images. Enter the percentage in the first field under Scale Percent.

    NOTE: By default, the Keep Aspect Ratio checkbox is checked. This will maintain the width and height ratio so that the image does not appear stretched.

    Set Scale Percentage of Thumbnail
  7. Click on the Thumbnail Images button.
    Create Thumbnail Images - Begin
    When it finishes, you will see a message stating “Your images have been thumbnailed” with the location of them listed.
    Your Images have been thumbnailed

Now you know how to create a thumbnail image directly in your cPanel using the Thumbnailer tool. Check out our cPanel Education Channel for more helpful tutorials.

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