HubSpot CRM Tutorials & Guides Web Hosting Support & Tutorials Mon, 19 Jun 2023 20:51:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 HubSpot CRM Tutorials & Guides 32 32 How to Create an Embedded or Standalone Form Using HubSpot Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:43:56 +0000 Read More >]]> How to Create an Embedded or Standalone Form Using HubSpot - header image

HubSpot CRM allows one to create embedded or standalone forms that gather or provide information to your customers.  For example, you may have a standalone survey form that a customer opts to view. This tutorial will walk you through creating and using these forms for your business endeavors.

What are Embedded or Standalone Forms

Embedded forms are added to an existing WordPress page or post using shortcode provided to you by HubSpot.  Standalone forms also use shortcode but are added to a blank page or post so that they may be displayed as a separate web page.

How To Create and Use an Embedded or Standalone Form

A wizard walks you through four steps when creating an embedded or standalone form. The created form is based on a pre-defined template or a blank form that you can customize.

Embedded or Standalone form - 4 steps when creating a form

The steps below walk you through the options when creating either type of form. You must be logged into the WordPress Administrator Dashboard to follow these instructions.

  1. In the main menu, click on HubSpot.
  2. Click on Forms.
  3. Click on the Create form button in the top right corner.

  4. Select the type of form you wish to create – Embedded form or Standalone page
  5. Click on Next in the top right corner to proceed.
  6. Choose a Blank or pre-defined Template for your form. The right column shows a preview of each template.

    Select a template

  7. Click on Start in the top right corner. 
  8. Step one of the process is titled as Form. Click on existing properties or create new ones to add to your form.

    Add a field to the form
  9. Click on Options for the next step. Choose from nine options that affect how the form opens or the actions taken after the form is submitted.

    Options for the embedded or standalone form

  10. Next, click on Style & Preview. You can change color, font, and appearance options for the form.

    Style and preview for an embedded or standalone form
  11. Click on Automation.  You can create automated sequences triggered by the completion of the form. Creating new workflows requires an upgraded account.Automation for embedded or standalone form
  12. When completing the form, click on Submit in the top right corner.
  13. You will then see a Review and publish column appear on the right side of the screen.  Review the form.
  14. When the processing is complete, the embed code will be displayed.  Click the Copy button and paste the code into your WordPress post or page to use it as an embedded or standalone form.

    Form is ready for embedded or standalone forms
  15. If satisfied with the form, click on Publish at the bottom of the column.  Cancel returns you to the form editor.

Embedded and standalone forms created through HubSpot CRM are used to gather or provide customer data. For example, you can create a subscription form that allows customers to provide their contact info for online or mail-in subscriptions.  You can also create reports for a customer to give them information based on their interactions with your business.  These forms are valuable tools that help increase and improve your customer interactions.

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How to Create Pop-up or Moving Forms with HubSpot CRM Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:43:17 +0000 Read More >]]> How to Create Pop-up or Moving forms using HubSpot CRM - header image

The HubSpot CRM can create pop-up or moving forms that appear on WordPress posts or pages to provide quick responses, display information, or trigger automated sequences for your customers.  Providing these forms promotes positive interaction and opportunities with your website visitors to help expand your user base and increase your revenues.

This tutorial will walk you through creating pop-up or moving forms.  You will also see the different settings used when making these forms.

What are Pop-up or Moving Forms

Pop-up or moving forms present quick messages, actions or trigger automated sequences. Pop-up forms appear in a separate window of a web page, and moving forms include drop-down banners, slide in left and slide in right boxes.

How To Create a Pop-up or Moving Form

The steps below walk you through creating Pop-up or Moving forms. You must be logged into the WordPress Administrator Dashboard to follow these instructions.

  1. Click on HubSpot in the main menu.
  2. Click on Forms.
  3. Click on Create in the top right corner.
  4. Click on the Pop-up box or sliding form you will create.  The steps for this form differ slightly from the Embedded/Standalone forms.
  5. Click on Next. This opens the Callout page. The Callout page is one of six steps in the form creation process.  The screenshot below shows the steps labeled at the top of the page.

    6 options for Pop-up or Moving forms
  6. Use the options on the Callout page to make changes. Changes you make will appear in the preview area on the right side of the screen.

    Edited form - pop-up

  7. Click Next to move forward. Clicking on Next in any of the six steps moves you forward through the form creation process.
  8.  You can also click directly on the step label – Form.  This section allows you to change the content of the form.
  9. Step three is labeled Thank you. By default, a thank you message is sent after the form is completed. This section allows you to modify the message.

    Thank you for pop-up
  10. The Targeting section is next.  You can choose the web pages where your pop-up or moving form will appear.
  11. Step five is the Options page.  Choose from five options that affect how the form opens or actions taken after the form is submitted.

    Pop-up form Options

  12. The final step is the Automation page. When a form is submitted, HubSpot can provide an automatic response. The use of this option requires an upgraded account.
  13. Click on Preview to see the form before publishing.
  14. Click on Publish in the top right corner.
  15. A final confirmation message will appear saying, “Ready to launch?”  Click on Set it live to complete the creation of the form.

A pop-up or moving form created in HubSpot CRM allows you to provide a quick response based on a viewer’s actions on your website. Use these forms in certain areas of your website or after an action is submitted by a viewer. These forms help provide positive user interactions and opportunities that help improve the sales and services of your business.

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How to Create a New Marketing Email in HubSpot Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:42:25 +0000 Read More >]]> How to Create a New Marketing Email in HubSpot - header image

HubSpot can create emails used for marketing purposes. These marketing emails allow you to reach out to your customers to provide an immediate or planned response.  HubSpot helps you create and send these emails with templates and a design interface.

Three Types of Marketing Emails

HubSpot can create regular, automated, or blog emails.  Regular emails allow you to send personalized messages to a segment of your contacts.  Automated emails are sent via a workflow in response to a viewer interaction. This option requires an upgraded HubSpot account. Blog emails are used to update subscribers about new content. 

How to Create a Regular Email

Follow the steps below to create a new regular or personalized email.  You must be logged into the WordPress Administrator Dashboard to follow these directions.

The email you are creating autosaves during the creation process. After step 5, you can also click on SAVE in the top left corner if you wish to complete it later.

  1. Click on HubSpot in the main menu.
  2. Click on Email. This will open the Marketing Email page
  3. Click on Create email in the top right corner.

    Create Email main page

  4. You will see three email types that you can choose to create:  Regular, Automated, or Blog. Click on Regular.

    Select email type
  5. Select a Basic template for your email: Welcome, Simple, Promotion, Plain email, and Newsletter.

    Select Basic Template for email
  6. There are four stages to creating your email.  These stages are Edit, Settings, Send or schedule, and Automation. You start on the Edit page, where you can change the content of the email as well as the design and layout. Customize the email for your needs.

    new email editor

  7. Next, click on Email Settings. These settings are information about the email, including the reply-to address, the subject line, the internal name of the email, and the physical address of your business. The subject line is a required field.

    Email settings
  8. When you have added the email settings, click on Send or schedule.

    Send Schedule options
  9. Select your Sending options. You will need to determine the email recipient and if you intend to schedule to send it at a later date and time. Selecting Send now means that you’re sending the email today – it does not immediately send the email.
  10. Click on Automation. Lets you set up a sequence of actions after a customer responds to your email.  This feature is only available with a HubSpot upgrade.
  11. Click on Review and schedule in the top right corner.  This will open a review window showing corrections and suggestions.  Click on Schedule at the bottom to send the email.  You can also click on Preview to see what the email will look like when it’s sent.

HubSpot makes email marketing a simpler task by providing a wizard to help guide you in the creation process.  You can send emails to specific recipients in your contact list and focus on a message that will help benefit your business and your customer.

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How to Create and Edit Tickets in HubSpot Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:40:52 +0000 Read More >]]> How to Create and Edit Tickets in HubSpot - header image

Creating tickets is a form of contact in HubSpot. It allows you to record interactions that require further action in the form of support, negotiations, or decision-making.  Tickets are often associated with support problems, but they can be used for any interaction between you and the client.  This benefits your business by providing accurately tracked and recorded issues that help provide timely solutions for your clients.

This tutorial will show you how to create and edit tickets through the HubSpot interface on your WordPress site.

How to Create Tickets in the HubSpot

Tickets are organized using categories called Pipelines.  By default, any ticket you enter will be part of the Support Pipeline.  The creation of different pipelines requires an upgraded HubSpot account.

NOTE: To follow these steps, log into the WordPress Administrator Dashboard.

  1. Click on HubSpot in the main menu of the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Click on Contacts.
  3. Clicking on Contacts opens the drop-down menu. Click on Tickets in the menu.
  4. Click on Create ticket in the top right corner.

    Create ticket
  5. Fill in the Ticket name.
  6. Click on Ticket status and select a status from the drop-down menu.

    Create ticket form
  7. Enter a description of the issue. 
  8. Select a Source of the ticket contact from the drop-down menu.  
  9. Click on the drop-down menu to pick a Ticket owner.
  10. Select a Priority:  Low, Medium, or High.
  11. Set the Create date.
  12. Select the Contact associated with the ticket.
  13. Click the checkbox to add the timeline activity with this contact.
  14. Select the Company associated with the ticket.
  15. Click the checkbox to add the timeline activity with this company.
  16. Click on Create or Create and add another to save your ticket entries.

How to Edit a Ticket

Tickets are often time-sensitive, so it is important to know how to edit a ticket to keep it properly updated. The ticket is organized into three columns.  For this tutorial, we use left, middle, and right columns to describe them.

  • Left column – ticket properties and recording options as tracked by HubSpot CRM
  • Middle column – overview and interactions sorted by communication type
  • Right column – contact information, including associated contacts, documents, and related conversations or playbooks

To edit a ticket:

  1. Click on HubSpot.
  2. Click on Contacts.
  3. Click on Contacts drop-down menu in the top left corner of the screen.
  4. Scroll down the menu and click on Tickets. This will open a table listing the existing tickets.
  5. Click on the name of the ticket that you want to edit.
  6. Update the ticket by recording any new interaction involving the ticket issue. The options directly linked with the HubSpot app have icon shortcuts in the left column. Hover and click on the options on the ticket page to make changes or add information.

You may log interactions that are not directly associated with HubSpot using the 3-dot icon.  For example, you might communicate with a client through a written letter. You would use the option to log postal mail to record the interaction.

3-dot icon on Ticket page

Tickets are an important communication tool when interfacing with your customers.  They provide the interface to record information about issues that the customer may be experiencing and track the interactions that occur to resolve these problems.  

HubSpot allows you to record these transactions and use the history to help provide timely solutions that can be used to help prevent future issues.

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How to Set Up a Live Chat in HubSpot Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:39:41 +0000 Read More >]]> How to Set Up a LIve Chat in HubSpot  - header image

One of the great features of HubSpot is the ability to use chat. The availability of chats gives your customers immediate access to ask questions, get answers, or provide feedback. The chat option benefits your company and your customers by giving them another way to communicate.

This tutorial will walk you through setting up a chatflow within HubSpot.

Starting the Set Up of a Chatflow in HubSpot CRM

HubSpot defines channels for chats as chatflows. A chatflow allows you to assign and organize chats by categories and your HubSpot team members. You will start the creation of a chatflow by selecting Live Chat or Bots. This tutorial uses Live Chat.

You must be logged into your WordPress Administrator Dashboard to follow the steps below.

  1. Click on HubSpot.
  2. Click on Live Chat.
  3. In the top right corner of the screen, click on Create chatflow
  4. Select a chatflow to start. For this tutorial, select Live Chat.

    Select Live Chat

  5. Click Next in the bottom right corner.
  6. Select where your chats will arrive.  The free version defaults to Inbox in the HubSpot account.  You can also change the supported language.

    Chatflow - provide information
  7. Click on Create in the bottom right corner of the screen. 

The Four stages of Creating a Chatflow

Chatflows are created in four stages: Build, Target, Display, and Options. Each section is detailed below.

Stages during creating Chatflow

Build Stage – Welcome Message, Knowledge Base Search, Chat Ownership, and Email Capture

  1. The Build stage starts with the Welcome Message. Click on the arrow to expand the Welcome section.  Type a welcome message in the text box.
    Welcome message
  2. Knowledge Base search – enable the option to search the company knowledge base.  This option requires an account upgrade.
  3. Automatically assign conversations – automatically assign new conversations to the HubSpot team members. This option requires an account upgrade.
  4. The next option is for Email Capture.  You can ask a visitor for their email address using one of the first two settings in the drop-down menu. Select the third option to not ask for the address.
  5. Create an Email capture message. An example of a message might be:

    Leave your email, and we’ll respond as soon as possible.

Target  Stage – Select the Website Pages for Live Chat and Specify Visitors For Access

  1. Click on Target. Select the pages where the chat widget will appear.
    Chat - Target
  2. Visitor information and behavior (optional) – You can determine who can access your chats or even set up an exclusion rule to keep people out.

Display Stage – Determine How Live Chat Appears

  1. Click on Display.  Here you can choose a custom image or logo for your chat avatar.
  2. Set the chat display behavior for a desktop system. Your options include:

    – Pop open the welcome message as a prompt
    – Only show the chat launcher
    – Show the welcome message, then pop open the chat widget when triggered.
  3. Click on the Mobile tab to set the Chat display behavior for a mobile device:

    -Pop open the welcome message as a prompt
    -Only show the chat launcher
  4. Click on the Desktop tab again. Determine when the chatflow appears to visitors:

    – On exit intent
    – Time on the page in seconds = (seconds)
    – Percentage of the page scrolled = (50%)

Options – Language, Data Privacy, and Feedback

  1. Select the Options for your chatflow.
  2. Language – defaults to English.
  3. Determine the options for Data privacy & consent (use the slider to enable/disable):

    – Consent to collect chat cookies
    – Consent to process data
    – Consent to communicate
  4. Collect feedback from chat visitors  – Ask visitors to complete a survey and provide feedback. This option requires an updated HubSpot account.

Completing the Chatflow

After completing the options stage, finish creating the chat flow In the top right corner:

  1. Click on Preview to see your chat.
  2. Click on the slider to save your chatflow settings.
  3. Click on Back to Chatflows (in the top left corner) to return to the Chatflows page.

The live Chat option in HubSpot is a powerful tool for your WordPress site.  It helps provide better communication with your customers so that you can resolve possible problems.  Live chat also gives your customers or potential customers another way to contact you or your team, giving you another advantage over competitors who may not have this option.

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How to Create Lists in HubSpot Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:38:37 +0000 Read More >]]> How to Create Lists in HubSpot - header image

Lists organize your contacts and are an important tool in HubSpot CRM. Creating lists allows you to use marketing segments that categorize your customers. This aids your email marketing efforts by identifying who should receive your marketing emails.

This tutorial will describe the two main types of lists and then show you how to create a list in HubSpot.

Types of Lists – Active or Static

Active lists automatically update over time. For example, if you base the list on company contacts that have deals over $1000, then that list may change as the number of companies you do business with (over $1000) increases.

You would use active lists for regular customers who frequently inquire for information. They would then be able to get emails from your email campaigns as well as any updates from subscriptions.

A Static list does not change. Suppose you have customers who have repeatedly refused to open your emails or have requested that you unsubscribe them, but they are regular customers. In that case, you might create a list that infrequently receives informational emails. This helps keep them from being irritated with higher volumes of marketing messages.

Using Active and Static lists helps you focus on opportunities where your marketing email efforts will have the most impact.

How to Create a List in HubSpot

To create lists, you need contacts. Contacts can consist of people or businesses. Lists are based on filters that allow you to specify a group from your contacts. For example, you may want to create a group of people based on their lead status. Or you may want to target a geographic area.  

  1. Log into HubSpot.
  2. In HubSpot, click on Contacts > Lists from the menu.
  3. You will see the Lists page that will display your saved lists.

    Lists page with saved lists
  4. Click on Create List in the top right corner.
  5. Type in a name for your list.
  6. You can create a list based on Contact records, or you can base it on Company records. Choose the type you want to use.

    Create a list

  7. Select the kind of list you want to create: Active or Static.
  8. Click Next.
  9. You will then need to add filters to create your list. Click on Add filter.

    Add a filter to create list

  10. Select a filter to help identify your contacts and create your list.

    Add filter list

  11. Click on Save List in the top corner to complete the process.

The process of building the list may take some time if you have a lot of contacts. Complete lists will appear in the far right column.

Using lists is important for organizing your contacts in your email marketing efforts.  It helps to identify the segments of your contacts who would benefit from your email marketing efforts.

As you grow your business and accumulate email marketing data, your lists will also mature. You can separate them into more significant segments that reflect your target audience.

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How to Create Deals Using HubSpot Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:37:33 +0000 Read More >]]> How to Create Deals Using HubSpot - header image

HubSpot allows you to track your customer interactions, including the opportunities when you or your customer have discussed the possibility of a deal. A deal is an agreement between you and a customer to purchase a service or product.

HubSpot allows you to create, track, and manage a deal for your business. This tutorial will guide you through each option and describe the interface you will be using.

How to Create a Deal in HubSpot

  1. Log into HubSpot.
  2. Click on Sales > Deals from the menu.
  3. On the Deals page, all existing deals are displayed in either List or Card view.

    Create a deal page
  4. Click on Create deal in the top right corner.
    Create deal form
  5. When creating a Deal, the following fields are required.
    • Use the Deal name field to describe the Deal.
    • Select the Pipeline the Deal belongs to.
    • Select a Deal stage that describes the progress of the deal you are recording.
    • Use Amount to record the value of the Deal.
  6. If you have a Close date, click on the date in the form to pick a date from the calendar.
  7. Select a Deal owner or click on No owner from the drop-down menu. This is used to indicate the person who is working the Deal, like a Sales Agent or Account Executive.
  8. Click on the drop-down menu for Deal type to select New Business or Existing Business.
  9. Select a Priority for the deal – Low, Medium, or High.
  10. The next section is labeled “Associate deal with” and starts with Contact. Select single or multiple contact(s) from your HubSpot and click on the checkbox to include timeline activity.
  11. The next entry uses the Company contacts from your HubSpot CRM account. Like contacts, you can also click on multiple company contacts and include timeline activity.
  12. The final item in the Deal form is labeled Add a line item. If you have a product library, you can select an item and include quantity.
  13. You can scroll to the bottom of the form and click on Create to save your entries.

Each of these items can be added during the creation of the deal or added to the Deal record later.

The Deal page shows details of the deal in a 3-column format. This is an example of a newly saved Deal:

Deal page

Understanding the Stages of a Deal

It is important to understand the stages of a deal you have created with a customer or company. There are six stages from which you can select:  

  • Appointment scheduled – a meeting has been scheduled to discuss the deal.
  • Qualified to buy – you have determined that the customer is qualified to purchase your service or product.
  • Presentation scheduled – a presentation highlighting your service or product has been scheduled
  • Decision maker brought-in – your deal has been moved to a decision maker.
  • Contract sent – a contract for your deal has been published and sent to the customer.
  • Closed won – the deal was closed, and the client was converted to a sale.
  • Closed lost – the deal was closed, and the client did not purchase.

New deals will start with Appointment scheduled. Click on the drop-down arrow to select a different stage if necessary. Understanding the stage of a deal helps you to determine your next action toward the customer or potential customer.

HubSpot provides a way to track the stages and information used in creating a deal. Revenue can be improved by using the information gained in the experience of past sales. Understanding the history of your sales with a particular customer will help you to refine the steps that you take to close a deal more efficiently.

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How to Add Contacts in HubSpot Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:36:44 +0000 Read More >]]> How to Add Contacts in HubSpot - header image

Using the Contacts in HubSpot lets you record the activity between you and a client or potential client.  

This information helps you make better decisions and track your interactions with a company or an individual.  Better relations and understanding will help to keep your business moving forward.

This tutorial will show you how to use HubSpot to record a contact. 

NOTE:  HubSpot considers Contacts as more than the company or person you interact with.  HubSpot also classifies contacts as deals, invoices, marketing events, and tickets. This tutorial primarily focuses on Contacts and Company contacts.

Adding a Contact

A contact is added by filling out a form with the contact information or through an import process. 

Imports will require that you have an existing list in an importable file.  HubSpot provides a wizard that walks you through the import process. You can also find more information in their import guide.

You must be logged into the WordPress Administrator Dashboard to follow the steps to creating a contact.

  1. Click on HubSpot.
  2. Click on Contacts. You will see a list of the existing contacts, if any are already saved.

    Contacts page main
  3. In the top right corner, click on Create contact.
  4. Fill in the contact Email, First name, and Last name. After you type this in, the other fields will become active. 

    Create Contact form
  5. Click on the drop-down arrow to select a Contact owner.
  6. Type in a Job title.
  7. Add a Phone number.
  8. Select a Lifecycle stage. You can select from the following in the drop-down menu:  Lead (default), Subscriber, Marketing Qualified Lead, Sales Qualified Lead, Opportunity, Customer, Evangelist, or Other.
  9. The next field is Lead status. Select from New, Open, In progress, Open deal, Unqualified, Attempted to contact, Connected, or Bad Timing.
  10. Click Create or Create and add another to save your entries.

Company Contacts

You can also track companies with HubSpot.  Recorded company contacts have the same options for logging interactions as personal contacts. The main difference is that you are recording the contact as the company instead of an individual of a company.  

Company contact page

When selecting Companies, the companies page will open up.  If you have any companies already registered, they will appear on a list on the Companies page.

  1. In the main menu, click on HubSpot.
  2. Click on Contacts.
  3. Click on Contacts in the top left corner to open the drop-down menu.
  4. Scroll up to find Companies and then select it.

    How to get to the company contacts
  5. To add a new company, click on Create company button in the top right.

    Create company contact
  6. Type in the Company name
  7. Fill in the Company domain name.
  8. Select a Company owner.
  9. Fill out additional information on the Company, such as industry type, City, State/Region, number of employees, Annual revenue, and a brief description of the company.
  10. Click on Create or Create and add another to save your entries.

NOTE:  Some parts of the Contacts interface may be grayed out, have a lock icon next to it, or are inaccessible.  These sections indicate that an upgrade to the HubSpot account is required to access those features.

HubSpot allows you to record your individual or company contacts.  Use the contact information for your marketing efforts and use the interface to help record any interaction with the contact.  This will help you track deals and important contact information that can improve your business revenue and customer base.

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How to Manage a List in HubSpot Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:35:13 +0000 Read More >]]> How to Manage a List in HubSpot CRM - header image

HubSpot enables you to manage your lists through various functions. You can edit a list, view the performance of a list, filter information in lists, and add or remove lists.

Using these options, organize your customer data to make it more efficient and easier to work with. Keeping your contacts in order and up-to-date keeps your business focused and helps to prevent wasted effort and time.

NOTE: You must be logged into your WordPress Administrator Dashboard to follow the steps below.

Editing Lists

Using the Lists interface, you can select a list and then open it to find information about it.  

  1. Click on HubSpot.
  2. Click on Lists.
  3. Hover over the List name that you want to edit or view.
  4. Click on the Details button. Here you will find the details about the list, including its type, 7-day change note, date of creation, date of the last update, number of places it’s used in, and the List ID.

    Editing Lists - Details
  5. Click on the Used in tab, and you’ll see the list of assets that are using the list.

Lists are made of contacts that have been filtered in a specific way.  When you click on a list to edit, you can change how the contacts are filtered. 

  1. Select the List you want to edit by clicking on the list name.

    Click on List name
  2. Change the list by editing its filter. Click on the Edit filters button.

    click on Edit filters button
  3. Make changes to the filter.  You can also add new filters to change your list’s results.

    Edit filter
  4. If you’re satisfied with the change to the list, click on the Save changes button.

Viewing List Performance

The other option that you have when editing a list is to view its performance. Performance is based on the number of contacts in the list over a period of time.  You can change the date range and save the report.

  1. Click on the name of the list that you want to view.
  2. When the list opens, click on Performance.

    Click on Performance
  3. Use the date range options to change the dates you want to view.
  4. Click on the drop-down menu labeled Actions (above the graph) to Save the report.

Deleting a List

Removing a list is done through the Lists page interface.

  1. Click on the name of the list that you want to remove.

    Click on Delete
  2. The Delete option can be found in the drop-down More menu or at the top of the table used to display the lists. Click on Delete to remove the list.

Ordering or Filtering Lists

When you look at the saved lists on the List page, you will see All lists, Unused lists, and Recently deleted above the saved lists table.  The view of the table will change based on your selection of these three items. You can also filter and sort the lists after you have made your selections.

Filters, headers, and lists

How to Filter and Order Your Lists

  1. Click on the filter type you wish to use: All creators, All types, or All objects.
  2. If you select a specific creator, then only the lists with that name will be seen.  You can also filter by type or object.
  3. After selecting a filter, click on a column header to sort the lists in alphabetical or numerical order. The columns include List Name, Size, Type, Object, Last Updated, Creator, Folder, and Used in.

Using Folders with Lists

Folders are used to help organize your lists. They are especially useful when you have large numbers of lists. By default, you will see All lists selected, but you can also select Folders. This will change the view of the table.  You can create folders by clicking on the Create folder button.  Lists can then be moved into the folder.

Actions for folders can be seen by hovering over the folder name and selecting the Action button.

Manage folders

Folders can be moved, renamed, and deleted.

To move lists into a folder:

  1. Change the view by clicking on the All lists button (to the left of Folders).
  2. Hover over a list and click on the drop-down menu for Actions.
  3. Click on Move to Folder. You will see a Move list dialog appear.  Select the folder where you want the list to be moved.
  4. Click on Move.

Exporting or Importing Lists

Exporting a List

The export option allows you to export a list as a CSV or Excel file. The steps below start from the Lists page.

  1. Click on a List that you want to Export.
  2. Click on the More button.
  3. Click on Export.

    Export option
  4. Select the properties and columns that you want to export.

    Select properties and columns for export
  5. Click Next.
  6. Verify the email destination for the exported file.  You can also use the shortcut to the settings to download the exported list through the Data Management section. The link is labeled Notifications Center.

    Export options
  7. Choose the format for your export.
  8. Select the language used for your column headers.
  9. Click on the Export button.

When the export is processing, you’ll see a notification appear:

Export notification

Importing a List

If you have existing lists of contacts in an importable file, you may choose to import it.  HubSpot provides a wizard that walks you through the import process. You can also find more information in their import guide.

Managing your lists is an important part of your business.  It keeps your customer database up-to-date and helps ensure that your marketing and communications are more effective.  Your lists keep you from wasting time by identifying and focusing your efforts on your target audience.

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Installing and Connecting HubSpot for WordPress Mon, 21 Nov 2022 14:39:00 +0000 Read More >]]> Installing and Connecting HubSpot CRM for WordPress

HubSpot – CRM, Email Marketing, Live Chat, Forms & Analytics is a free plugin that provides a versatile custom relations management solution for your business when installed on your WordPress site.

Enabling the solution will require that you install the plugin and then create or connect an existing HubSpot account. We will walk you through the steps that are involved in the installation, then prepare you for the questions required in the creation of a new account.

How to Install HubSpot CRM

The HubSpot installation is a plugin installation, but it also requires a connection to a HubSpot account. You can install it by downloading the plugin or through the plugins section of your WordPress installation.

Note that the installation of HubSpot requires an operational WordPress account that can be accessed from the internet and administrator access to your WordPress Dashboard.

  1. Log in to your WordPress.
  2. Click on Plugins in the main menu.
  3. Click on Add New.
  4. Search for “HubSpot.” Your search results should bring you to the “HubSpot – CRM, Email Marketing, Live Chat, Forms & Analytics” plugin. 
  5. Click on the Install Now button to begin the installation.

    Plugin install excerpt
  6. Click on Activate to enable the plugin.

Creating a New Account with HubSpot

Once the plugin installation is complete, you will need to connect an existing HubSpot account or create a new one.

Creating an account with HubSpot is free and requires a valid email address that you can access.

  1. Type in your First name, Last Name, and email address (or use the Google option) to start.
  2. Type in your company name.
  3. Type in your website URL.
  4. Type in the number of employees.
  5. Select the industry your company is related to.
  6. Choose your job role.
  7. Confirmation of the account will be done through email.  Once you’re confirmed, you can select to save your data in the US or EU.  

If you have problems with creating or connecting with your account, you may need to close your browser and then re-log into your WordPress site. If necessary, you may have to clear your web browser cache.

When you log back into WordPress, you will still need to log into HubSpot.  If the account was created successfully, then you’ll see your company name in the process of logging in.

Log in screen for HubSpot
Once you’ve confirmed that you’re using that account, then HubSpot will request to connect your website to the account.

HubSpot connect to your website

Connecting your website completes the installation and the setup for a new account with HubSpot. Your next step will be to go through a demonstration of the product based on the answer to the question of your level of knowledge of CRMs. These demos will start your familiarization with using the application.

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