Speed Up Your Site With The Autoptimize Plugin For WordPress

The Autoptimize plugin for WordPress is a page speed tool. It combines code minification and aggregation with caching, CDN, and other optimization features. With a WordPress site, as with any dynamic site, optimizing performance involves a lot of moving parts. For those who are not comfortable tweaking settings at the server level, this plugin can Read More >

How To Load Test Your Site With k6

Servers are getting faster and faster, but there are still plenty of websites suffering from poor performance. There are many variables that might cause a website to load slowly, and there are websites that have good load times, but only up to a certain number of concurrent users. How can you find out how many Read More >

How To Stress Test Your WordPress Site With Loader.io

While visiting the WordPress reddit forum, I stumbled upon an interesting question about stress-testing websites: It’s difficult to know how your website will perform under peak conditions, especially given the many variables that can affect your site. And the worst time to test your site is the moment when a peak hits. By then, it’s Read More >

How To Convert Blocks In WordPress

WordPress blocks are a great way to add custom content to your website. In this article, we’ll show you how to convert certain types of block content from one form to another. This will allow you to add and mix different types of content in WordPress, regardless of the origin. Convert To Blocks Convert Classic Read More >

How to Create Overlap Blocks in WordPress

Creating an overlap block is not offered by default in the Gutenberg editor. However, with some CSS code from the makers of the Gutenberg Pro plugin, you can achieve an overlapping effect using a Media & Text block to create an effect like the one you see below: Create Overlap Blocks With CSS Add Additional Read More >

How To Use a Shortcode In The WordPress Block Editor

The WordPress block editor lets you create rich content without having to know how to code. However, rich content is also static, but you can add dynamic elements to it using shortcodes. You can add shortcodes to the editor to introduce new functionality and dynamic content. In this article, we will show you how to Read More >

Convert Jpeg Images to WebP With WordPress Performance Lab

The WebP image format is capable of creating images for your website that are much smaller (and thus load faster) than standard .jpeg or .png images. Even easier, with the WordPress performance lab plugin, you can have .jpeg images automatically converted into WebP format. Follow along below to learn how. Enabling WebP Uploads WebP image Read More >

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