How to Access cPanels from WHM

Dedicated server accounts can access the cPanel, reset the password, and create or terminate cPanel accounts from the WHM interface. This tutorial will step you through how to access cPanel accounts using the WHM interface.

Please note that you can no longer create unlimited cPanels. For more information and price listings, please see our article on cPanel Pricing Changes. To learn more about the reasons behind this change, please see our FAQ on cPanel Pricing Changes.

Entering a cPanel Account via WHM

  1. Log into your WHM.
  2. Click on the Account Information category in the left-side menu pane.

  3. Click on the List Accounts option.

  4. A list of the cPanels owned by the WHM user will appear. To access one, simply click the cPanel icon.

    Now you should be able to see the cPanel just as if you had logged in as the client or cPanel user.

You can learn how to reset cPanel passwords within WHM to help your clients if they forget.

Learn more about cPanel management from our Managed VPS Hosting Product Guide.

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Arnel Custodio Content Writer I

As a writer for InMotion Hosting, Arnel has always aimed to share helpful information and provide knowledge that will help solve problems and aid in achieving goals. He's also been active with WordPress local community groups and events since 2004.

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