Welcome to the InMotion Hosting Community Forum!

It's time to get an answer! Our Customer Community Team monitors questions between 9am - 5pm ET, Monday - Friday!

Remember to ask detailed questions to receive better answers. When necessary, include steps we can take to replicate an issue.

Getting started 446

No matter your experience level or needs, our community forum will help you get started with your new web hosting account. For most users, this means setting up email addresses, creating a website, or moving an existing website over to your new hosting account. Explore the forum topics or ask a question to get started!

Account Management 930

Manage your InMotion Hosting services using the Account Management Panel (AMP). Visit AMP to make payments, upgrade your hosting plan, register domain names, purchase addons, and more.

Hosting & Server Support 714

We want to make sure you get the most out of your InMotion Hosting plan! This section is a great place to ask a question about features and benefits of your account or how to accomplish something.
Enable ufw on a ubuntu vps
What is the power plan

Server Management 2,316

Server Management can be anything from an occasional task to a full time job depending on the size and complexity of your business. This section has answers to questions about everything from software and files to analytics and connectivity.

Website 2,341

For most of our customers, the whole point of having a hosting account with InMotion is to build a great website. No matter what you're trying to make or what situation you need help with, we'll do our best to guide you to success.
I have an HTML issue

WordPress 1,889

InMotion's WordPress Hosting is versatile for everyone from beginners to advanced web developers. It simplifies the process of building websites by letting you manage from a single Dashboard on almost any device with internet access. Updates can be easily applied to keep you secure.
weForms Button Color

Content Management Systems 749

A Content Management System or CMS makes it easy for users to design and build a website without having to create the code themselves. They are capable of handling all the basic infrastructure needs for a website, allowing users to focus on the front end.
Slow Server Response Time
slow uploads in moodle
Hosting supports DELAVO?

Managing Domains 1,677

When you are managing a domain there are some common tasks that you may run in to. DNS modifications, registrar transfers, subdomain setups, and CDN implementation are some of the most common.
FTP into Subdomains

eCommerce 1,195

Explore our eCommerce discussions to figure out the best selling platform for your business needs. Learn from other community users, join eCommerce conversations, and even post your own questions to learn more about creating and running a successful online store.
How to Uninstall Cubecart

Software & Applications 45

This section is for all your questions regarding software that can be installed and run from your server. Topics range from media organization and streaming software to the latest Linux-based applications. While this will usually focus on Dedicated Server and VPS based plans, we'll try to help you with any software-specific questions.
Compile LaTeX with Tex Live

Website Builders 244

Website Builders include various software solutions to help you build and publish a website to your web hosting. These platforms often favor rapid, template based design meant to make it easier for non-developers to create and update sites.
V.erry simple web page
Create a page in builder
Designing without templates