Find the Document Root of your Website

If you need to upload files to your hosting account, you will need to know to which directory to upload them. The specific directory you will upload them to will depend on whether you are working with the main domain, an addon domain, or a subdomain. In this guide, we discuss how to determine the document root of your website. (No hosting account? No problem- we’ve got you covered! Our VPS Hosting option takes the guesswork out of website hosting.)

Finding the Document Root

A domain’s document root, also known as the home folder, is the main folder that contains all of the files for either a domain or a subdomain.

Main Domain
The document root for your main domain name is your public_html folder. This means when someone visits your main domain, the server returns files that are located in the public_html folder.

The document root for a subdomain is a bit different. If your subdomain is, then the document root folder would be public_html/store.

Addon Domains
Addon domain document roots are very similar to subdomains. If there is an addon domain on your account, you will need to look at the >cPanel Addon Domains section in order to see where the root folder has been set. Below is a charted explanation as well.

Domain typeURL pathFile Structure
Main domainhttps://example.compublic_html
Addon domainhttps://example2.comadd_on_domains/

How do I find the document root of an addon / subdomain?

If you are unsure of the document root folder for an addon or a subdomain because you did not go with the defaults, you can find it by using the following steps:

  1. Log into cPanel
  2. Click Addon domains
  3. You will see a list of addon domains configured in your account and the document root will be listed here.

Finding a subdomain’s document root

  1. Log into cPanel
  2. Click Subdomains
  3. You will see a list of addon domains configured in your account and the document root will be listed here.

What file loads first?

If no particular file is specified, the directory index file will be the first file the server loads from a folder. For example, if you type in, the server will return the contact_us.php page. If you type in simply, the server will load the directory’s index file. The server looks for these specific files in the following order:

  1. index.htm
  2. index.html
  3. index.php

If the server does not find any of these files, it will display a default screen with a list of the files in the folder as shown to the right. This can be a security risk so you always want to ensure that a file will be served instead.

Can I change the directory index file?

Some website design applications name the home page something other than the standard index.htm, index.html or index.php. For example, the application may name your homepage Welcome.html, or Home.html. If your application does this, you will need to modify your .htaccess file and set your Directory Index setting to match that of website’s first page.

How do I change the directory index?

To change your directory index, edit your .htaccess file and add the following line:

DirectoryIndex some-file.html

For example:
Let’s assume that the homepage for your website is named Welcome.html. We need to update the .htaccess file so that the server knows to load Welcome.html first, instead of index.htm. Open (or create) the .htaccess file in your domain’s document root and add the following line:

DirectoryIndex Welcome.html

Yes, it is that easy! Please note that the server is case sensitive, so be sure to use the proper case. For example, Welcome.html is different than welcome.html.

John-Paul Briones Content Writer II

John-Paul is an Electronics Engineer that spent most of his career in IT. He has been a Technical Writer for InMotion since 2013.

More Articles by John-Paul

124 thoughts on “Find the Document Root of your Website

  1. Hello,
    Kudos to you assisting all these people.
    I uploaded my new add-on site a few days ago. It seemed like everything was going AOK, until…
    The new (arca) site replaced the the existing site (cascabel). The new site content populated the old url.
    I want to keep both sites, independent of each other.

    Not sure where to begin resolving my issue. Can you offer some guidance so I can trouble shoot.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Good Video. However i want to know how to edit a website deisgned with in Dreamweaver or Visual Studio and stiil can see the design mode, i can’t find the root root file equivalent to index.html to edit the website. Did i asked the right question?

    1. In this article, we’re referencing the document root according to server configuration. So this may depend on what kind of local or remote server environment you’re using. If you’re using ASP, I’d assume it’s a Windows server? We only use Linux servers and thus can’t properly support or advise you with regard to how Windows servers function. I’d refer you to whatever documentation your hosting provider has available to you.

  3. Hello,

    Appreciate your efforts. One question; I tried above step but the thing is i am trying this on local host. So i have a LAN network and wanted to access the site within LAN subnet for now. So i made changes as https://localhost/mysitename to in WordPress settings –> Added the code in wp_config.php file –> Verified database and it has got the new name but site is not access now. Is it because i dont own a domain name for but m accessing it on localhost!

    1. Our guides are intended to assist with using our servers to host your website. If you are using your own local machine to host the website, I recommend reviewing the website for assistance in configuring the website locally.

    1. You must reach out to Live Support immediately to see if there is an emergency backup available. If not, you must check to see if you have a backup saved somewhere. Without backups there is unfortunately no way to recover the files.

  4. Hi,

    Somewhere and somehow while handling cpanel files. i lost the contents of index file it seems. but i dont know the page is not showing anything, is empty whereas is working. and all other pages are ok. while inspecting the it is showing empty with just title tags. what can i do

    1. The steps described in this article should provide you with some troubleshooting steps you can follow, but, if you are still having trouble finding the document root of your domain currently, I advise checking with our Live Support team.

  5. This article is inaccurate. Add-on domains, by default, are NOT created inside the public_html directory. You have to specify that.

    1. Hello,

      Thanks for pointing this out. Earlier version of cPanel did automatically place addon domains into the public_html folder by default. However, the current release lets users determine where that folder will be. I have updated the documentation to reflect this. Thanks again for pointing out the needed update!

  6. Hi There, very useful information, but i have one questions, It is out of the post’s context tho. I hope i can get an answer for it. A friend of a friend once made a website for me, he gave is almost all the information, like cpanel password and etc, but now that when we want to change the website design and we don’t know what he used making that website, and he is not willing to tell us that. contacted him several times but no response. Is there any way I can find which developer is used for my website through my Cpanel? or is there any other way to find that out?

    1. If your site is still up and running, Wappalyzer is a good tool for determining how your site was built.

      Typically, WordPress would contain ‘wp’ files such as ‘wp-content’. If you can provide a link to your site, we are happy to try and help you determine how it was built.

      Thank you,

  7. it worked. but problem is when i do backspace it donot load the previous .php but displays error how to fix that issue ???

    1. Apologies, but we have no context regarding your post. Can you please provide further details on the actions you are taking resulting in the error that you are seeing?

  8. Sir/Mam, how are you doing? 
    Just to make everything clear > I just want to insert SSL certificate on my site so that I want to upload it in public_html, but I couldn’t find that public_html, so please help me in finding the public_html or is there any alternative for that or can I create public_html?
    Thank You

    1. I suggest you reach out to your hosting provider. SSL certs have specific locations. Also, not all webservers your a “public_html” folder. Contact support and they should be able to help you out.

  9. Hello,

    My php file is in one domain and i want to access image from other domain.

    For example.>test.php>image->img.jpg

    i want to give path of img.jpg in test.php file.

    How could i do that?


  10. Hey guys, newbie here. I’m trying to install GravityScan Accelerator to augment my WordFence plugin, and was instructed to upload a .php file to my document root and ensure that the file can be accessed via the web.

    Following the information on the support guide @, I uploaded the file ( to /public_html.

    In order to test if the Accelerator is functioning, I was instructed to access it via the same in my browser.

    But it didn’t work. I’ve always paid someone to do this in the past, but financial constraints require me to learn to do it myself.  Either I didn’t interpret the document root nomenclature correctly — or else, as the installation troubleshooting tip stated, I may need to create rewrite rules in my .htaccess file or web server configuration to allow the Accelerator to be accessed.

    I don’t know enough to even ask these questions properly, but where do you think I might have gone wrong?

    Thanks for your time!


    1. Hello Robbhicks,

      Sorry for the issue with the file seeming to not be accessible after you uploaded it. I checked it and the file is in the right place. I also fixed the timezone error (timezone is set to “America/Los_Angeles” – that’s where your server is located). The remaining error will need to be discussed with Wordfence. It’s possible that you have caching set and it needs to be cleared, because the error that I’m seeing makes reference to a path that does not exist on our servers. Make sure you’re referencing the file by the correct and then try it again. If you see the fatal error, then you’re seeing the same thing as me. The problem needs to be resolved by the plugin developer at this point. Everything else appears to be functioning correctly.

      If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

      Arnel C.

  11. Good article, super easy to follow and very accurate. I had this problem that I named my index page indexBianca.html and i didn’t knew it will generate this kind of problem, being my first time building a website and publishing it.

    But i have a question , can I make something about the fact that when i browse on other pages from the website on the navigation bar from the browser it still appears “” (and the problem that bothers me is that .HTML at the ending). Is there a way to edit what appears on the navigation bar ?

    (and instead of to appear )


    Thanks a bunch,


    1. Hello Lavinia,

      You can use re-write rules in the .htaccess file to modify links so that they don’t show the extension. Check this article for more detailed information on using the rew-rite.

      If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

      Arnel C.

  12. Hello, i did what you told, but its not opening in my wordpress site. It’s coming internal server error, please help me, how to fix this error, Thanks you.Gatti RAQUL

  13. I’ve finished building my site with BoldGrid. It says its saving and publishing but I keep getting the “come back soon” page instead. I’ve tried exporting (which saved as XML). How do I get what I’ve created in Bold Grid to post on my Inmotion account?

    1. I checked your site, and it is loading an index.htm file instead of the index.php file for BoldGrid/WordPress.

      I recommend renaming or removing the “index.htm” file in your “/public_html” folder. For example, to: index.htm.old

      This should allow the index.php file for BoldGrid to load your site successfully.

      Thank you,

  14. Sir,

    I designed a small web page for an interactive signage monitor. I used OpenElements. the preview on my desktop is ok. when uploaded to the media monitor, instead of automatically loading the index.htm page (a few buttons which customer uses to trigger prearranged playlists media files) a list of the zip file content which I uploaded shows. I found index.htm in the list and touched it the dashboard comes up. I want the page to load by itself on the assigned space. can you help? Thank you

  15. Hi, 

    i am trying to post data in a TCP Packet to a php webpage from my mobile device which in turn stores that data in a mysql database. I am trying to find the correct connection strings in order to access the php script. Can anyone help me connect to the server storing the script (i.e what is my server address which stores my website files) and what is the absoulte file path to a specific document stored within public_html in cpanel. 

    Kind Regards, 


  16. If I want a section like… 

    Then what I do is create a file called something in my public_html directory?

    This has confused me for quite some time and I’m still learning this stuff. 

    1. Yes, that is correct. So for example, if you create a something.html file in the /public_html folder you should access it my going to in a browser.

      Thank you,

  17. The Long path tool is the very best program for error, unlock solution. 

    Try it and solved your problem. 

    I used the long path tool and I solved my error, unlocks problem solution.

  18. Hi,

    I am not able to see “public_html” folder on server. Is it mandatory to upload files through “public_html”?? And also, as I am not able to see the folder “public_html” I have directly uploaded my files to my website i.e. But the only prob now is script for the menu bar is not working properly only on my website. When I open the same page through dreamweaver in chrome or firefox it’s working properly.

    Please Help….



    1. I suggest checking your file paths on the server. Typically, menu links may change when added to the server. Also, your doc root depends on your host. If you’re not hosted with us, it may not be public_html.

  19. thank you so much it worked but having one minor issue https://*********
    is to redirecting to www why  ?? your tutorial is for .com but my site has ?

  20. i am facing problem  one file is showing 3 times with diffrent url  the site is made by someone else im just editing im working on seo 

    when i work on one file it is chaning in all but as i am using seo it i saysing that 3 pages using same title and same description 
    please tell me the reason why pages are showing 3 times with diffrent url ?

    Danish Qaim Khani

  21. Hii iam using a dedicated server for my web application.

    i am using tomcat as my server and the server coding is done in java.

    i want to store users profile images on the server file system , what is the best practice to that, i mean in which directory i should create images folder, and i want to avoid hotlinking.

    please help me..



    1. Hello Sheshu,

      Thanks for your question. First, in terms of the location for storing image files, this can be a matter of preference. However, in general, we often see files that are being changed/uploaded located in a common area for files of that nature. Application/website infrastructure files are typically saved elsewhere. If you want an example of this, you can look at how WordPress saves their files on the server. Though they are in the same hard drive area, the content files that are uploaded by user or website admin are located in the WP-CONTENT folder. This makes it easy to update the other application files located in the other folders without touching the content. It also centralizes where the content files are located making it easy to backup or move. For better performance, if you have a lot of media files and you make use of a content distribution network (CDN), then if you set up your site to reference the CDN then there is a performance benefit to your viewers.

      I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

      Arnel C.

  22. very helpful. Just need to know how to link to a folder next to website folder. I have a folder named ‘files’ next to my add on website. In local, its working fine but online, it takes me to index page rather downloading the file. how would I call document root because if I add it directly, it comes as such and I know its not a correct path? if I remove it, it comes with and still doesn’t work. takes me to website index page.

    Just to clear a bit, my website is an add on website, public_html/SSD, and files folder is under public_html. so I have to move back from SSD to reach the files inside files folder

    1. I’m not sure what you are trying to accomplish. Is this a file that you want to make downloadable? Or, is it supposed to display like a regular HTML page?

  23. i have a dynamic site , many html pages are not found error 404 there. how can i fix them , where can i find them in ftp for correction 



    1. Typically dynamic sites generate the pages using a script, so there are not any html pages to edit. Instead, you would edit the code of the actual script generating the pages.

      Thank you,

  24. Hello,

    My project is in WordPress and i hosted it on server. It is working nice with its primary domain.

    But I want to add one additional domain to this project.


    My Client already setup the project and both domain. When i ping to both domain it gives me same IP Address.

    That means both domain are pointing to same server.

    But, When i open one domain It will open my wordpress project. And when i try to open second domain it return cgi-bin directory.

    I also tried to add Aliases But it gives me an Error : There was an error when the system attempted to create the alias. Park::park(**********.com) failed: (XID 6ae776) The domain “” already exists in the Apache configuration.

     I also tried to add AddOn Domain But I fail.


    Can you please tell me where i did mistacks? 

    1. It seems like you might be seeing the file structure, since there is not a site there to load yet.

      As a test, try creating an index.html file and putting some basic text there. Then, see if the file will load.

      Thank you,

  25. Thank you Christopher. Eventually, I did figure that out, but it took me a while. 🙂 

  26. i am facing from long and didnt find any solution yet.i tried many webhosting site to uplaod my website .after uplaoding every its showing indexof / and all pages  but not my website i build this website in its showing aspx pages whwn i click on it it shows code only.where is my website ????? whwn it will become live .

    and one more issue is even after regester the domain name its not showing is google .only in my comp not in others comp.plzzz help me plzzzzzz

    what to do 



    1. Hello Reza,

      Sorry for the website issues. If you built your website using ASPX, then you are not hosting the site on our hosting service since we are a Linux-based hosting service. Based on what you have said, the most likely problem is that you are not using a standard INDEX page. By default, the web server typically looks for an index page. This is the first page of your site. If it’s not there, then web servers will typically list all of the pages and label the page as INDEX OF. If your first website page is NOT named INDEX.PHP, INDEX.HTM or INDEX.HTML, you will need to make sure that you have defined the index page in the HTACCESS file. This might be a little different in a Windows environment, but on our hosting service, the DIRECTORYINDEX command can be used in the .HTACCESS file to define the index page for your site. You will need to consult with technical support with a Windows-based host for further details on the requirements for your site to appear correctly.

      I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

      Arnel C.

  27. I put my files in The problem I don’t seem to understand is that I can only access them through FTP and not through HTTP. I mean, I can see them in my browser when I type but not when I type

    Can you please give me a hint about what I might have not understood yet? Thank you. 

    1. You should be need to type in the “public_html” directory when looking up the domain. Normally you would be able to look up the domain followed by the directory:

  28. Hi,

    Im trying to defer parsing of a javascript file and to move the code in to the bottom of the HTML file and include a JS code that tells the visualization to delay the loading of that file, because its big, and fisrt to load and render the visual elements (for the homepage ) and after that it can be loaded – so that can speed up my loading time of the home page.

    So im trying to find that html file but i can’t, there are lost of html files in the ftp, but non of them seems to have that JS code that i need to change… Every file is about difrent think. For example 1 is for some buttons, other is for some part of the footer etc. How can i define where is that HTML file, cause on my homepage, when i click “page source” i can see the whole hmtl file but only there? Please help about that!


    Thank you in andvance!

    1. Hello George,

      Sorry for the problem! We can try to help, but we do need more information. Also, I’m not sure how you’re looking at your files. Are you using FTP? Or the File Manager? If you’re a customer of InMotion, then you can use the cPanel file manager. Give us a little more information and we can look into the matter for you.

      If you have any further questions, please let us know.

      Kindest regards,
      Arnel C.

  29. When i search on Google for my website *****.in it shoes result but below website link it Says A description for this result is not available because of this site’s robots.txt. and suggest me to change robots.txt file. but i couldn’t find robots.txt file in my cPanel file manager and when i searched for “robot” in all my files it shows ‘no result found’. So please tell me where i can find this file. url of this page is ******.in/robots.txt

    1. Hello Sunil,

      We do not have a default robots.txt file in our accounts. I see your account is not one of ours, however. It is possible they do not give a default robots.txt file either. You can certainly create one in your account so you can configure it as needed.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

    1. Hello Zaee,

      Thank you for contacting us. Depending on your specific site setup, there may not be an index.html file in your /public_html folder.

      For example, if you just signed up there will be a default.html file. If you place any type of index file into the public_html folder, it will automatically become the primary index file.

      If you are running a PHP based web builder (such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.) there will be an index.php file instead.

      Thank you,

  30. Hi,

    I’m doing a wordpress setup on a fresh UNIX Hosting, I’m doing it manually, I’m only stuck where and what to copy, should I copy the content of the “wordpress” folder to the “public_html” root or the main folder itself “wordpress”? Whats the better procedure? Please note that later my main WP will be a wordpress theme…

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hello Ali,

      The wordpress files all go under the public_html folder individually. Having them under a folder named ‘wordpress’ would mean they need to view your that portion of your site at ‘’.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  31. Hi,

    I have created a website using HTML, it was running fine in localhost/browser but once I uploaded to my cpanel, and when I visited my site I could see only text and no images. I have uploaded the complete zip folder dont know whats gone wrong. 

    PLease help!!

    1. Hello Kay,

      Thank you for contacting us. We are happy to help, but will need some additional information.

      When you view the image path (Chrome: right-click–>copy image URL, Firefox: right-click–>Copy image location), are they in the correct location?

      Can you provide a link to the site, so we can test the images?

      Thank you,

    2. Hi – I have been developing my site (using drupal 7) at subdirectory. When I am ready to “go live” do I need to move all my files up one directory or can I point to the /beta directory? If possible, I would want people NOT to see the /beta in the path.

    3. Hello,

      Drupal has a guide that may help you. It was designed for those who build their site in a different location and then need to move it to their main site.

  32. Ray, 

    my common.js file is being returned as 403 Forbidden: Permission denied: file permissions deny server access


    How can I change that? Thanks

  33. When I upload using FTP, with MS Front Page, do I have to upload 1 file at a time or does FP upload only changed pages or new pages??   I have 7-800 files per week that I upload and uploading only a couple at a time will be a BIG hassle.

    1. Hello Ray,

      FTP does not restrict you to only a couple of files at a time. You can upload as many as you need. I am not sure how FrontPage handles this currently as we no longer provide support for it. If it gives you issues, you can always use an FTP client such as WSFTP or FileZilla.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  34. i made a site using php and already hosted but my registraion page access or use the register.php page.I dont know how to resolve this problem.
    please tell me how to resolve it


    1. Hello Devil,

      Thank you for contacting us today. We are happy to help, but will need some additional information.

      What problems/errors are you having?

      What CMS are you using? For example are you using WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.

      Can you provide a link to the page you are having problems with?

      Thank you,

  35. Hi. I’m working on putting my site together using Joomla ( but with one of my articles, I want to link to a file that visitors can download or view in another window. I’m confused about where I need to FTP the file in question. I don’t see a “index.htm” file perhaps because the Joomla site uses different terminology (?). Please point me in the right direction! Thanks. 

    1. Hello Todd,

      Thank you for your question. There are many extensions available that will allow you to sell digital/downloadable products from Joomla.

      Some of the most popular are PayPal Digital Goods, DigiStore, and J2Store.

      If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.

      Thank you,

  36. Hi, Im having problem with my php index file. It always disappeared from my host server at exactly 8:00am. I always have re-upload it.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    1. Hello AAkwami,

      Sorry for the problem with the php index file. We’re not really sure why you’re losing your PHP.INI file. However, you have given us NO information on your account (if you’re an InMotion customer). I would check your CRON jobs to make sure that nothing making changes to your files. The server would not be purposefully deleting a critical file like the php.ini file.

      If you wish for us to look into the matter further, then please provide more details on your account and we can investigate the matter in more depth.

      Arnel C.

  37. this is my first time using paid hosting. there’s no index or default file. no directories also. so i put an index.html file but it didn’t do any changes. it still shows “website coming soon”. please help. thanks.

    1. Hello marco,

      Thank you for your question. I first recommend clearing your browser cache and testing your site again. This should pull the latest files associated with your site, and may fix your problem.

      If it doesn’t change, you are most likely uploading your index.html file to the wrong location.

      Our guide on How to remove the InMotion Coming Soon page, explains more in-depth how to replace the file.

      Also, I could not locate an account on our servers associated with your information. If you are not hosted with us, you may have different file structure.

      If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.

      Thank you,

  38. Hello,

    I have uploaded .7z files in server and applied link from html webpage when I click on .7z link, it could not open. Looking for help what is proper html scripts to link .7z files so that user can download .7z or how can i link .7z file in html webpage.

    1. Hello Pawan Kumar,

      You should be able to link them as normal such as with a “a href” tag. Can you please provide a link to your .7z file so we may look into the issue further?

      Kindest Regards,
      TJ Edens

  39. I am trying to install opencart template .

    For that I uploaded downloaded .rar file from google in my domain cpanel.

    and after that when i open opencart admin

    and in that when I select template it is getting selected but after saving default template getting selected .

    plz give me any suggestion. 

    1. Hello Mangesh,

      I am not quite understanding your question. This article is dealing with where to upload your files. Are you having issues uploading files to your OpenCart? Or are you saying once uploaded, when you select a new theme, the old one displays?

      If your question is the based on theme selection and not where to upload the files, please give as many details as possible on the steps you took, your OpentCart version, and what themes you are using. But be sure to place them in a new question and not here so we can maintain the integrity of the Support Center.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  40. hi

    if i upload my files to the public_html…what should i use as my VIRTUAL_LOCATION in the config.php file cox it is giving me error



    1. Hello Seye,

      What software are you using? What is the error message you are getting? Is this for your site? What function is it trying to perform when the error occurs?

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  41. Good day,

    I purchased a template from ThemeForest for my OpenCart website. I read your tutorials and downloaded Filezilla. It is my first time using FTP. Everything is a-okay so far and I managed to quickconnect without a sweat. I have already extracted the template into a folder on my desktop. I have two questions: 

    1. I would like to know where exactly in ‘Remote Site’ I should drag the template files. Do I put them directly in public_html or do I create a sub-folder in public_html? Is there a more appropriate folder to put website template files?

    2. How do I then run the template so it takes effect on my new site. Usually, if I download a software, I can always look for the .exe and double-click that to run an application. Template files don’t seem to work like that and use unknown extensions such as .sh, .sql. What should I double-click to make my template work?

    I wouldreally appreciate your assistance!


    1. Hello William,

      Thank you for contacting us. I recommend following our walk-through guide on Installing an OpenCart theme.

      It explains where to upload the files to (the root of your OpenCart installation), and how to install the theme .
      Thank you,

  42. i am using hosting and domain with and designing web in prestashop 1.6 now i want to upload my product catalog in my webpage in pdf format. so that my customers can directly download from my web page or can i creat any link that can be uploaded in my web page so that i can send my customer that link to download from my web

  43. hi,

    just now i uploaded my php script page to my live server (free hosting site), its works fine but when i upload the same page to my paid server godaddy its says the system cannot find the path specified.

    1. Hello prabudass,

      Thank you for your question. I recommend checking the specified path in the script, and make sure it is correct with Godaddy’s file structure.

      I tried to find a guide in Godaddy’s Support site, but could not find anything helpful. You may want to reach out to them via ticket or phone support.

      If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.

      Thank you,

    2. Hello,
      I need some favour, actually I have uploaded my website on server.but it is in .net architecture.It all contains .aspx pages not .html. I uploaded that but these pages are showing code on my website.what shouls I have to do?

    3. Hello,

      Microsoft specific pages like asp will only work on servers that are Windows based or after extensive modification to be able to do so. Our servers do not work with Windows products as they are Linux based.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  44. hi everybody i got an issue in php,i have uploaded a php code webpage to my server, but when i click on that anchor tag, i am getting a error message obviously its not a error message, i am getting The System cannot find the path specified.

    i am using godaddy server

    1. Hello Prabudass,

      That type of error means that the server was told to look at a specific folder path. If it looks for that path but cannot find one or more elements of the path (folder or file) then it will throw that error. Check the code and any paths mentioned in it and then look to ensure that the exact same path exists in your hosting account.

      For example: if the code needs a path of ‘abc/123/xyz.php’ but the server only has ‘abc/xyz.php’ then the error will occur because it cannot find the ‘123’ directory.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  45. Hello Team,

    I am facing one problem in my magento website.

    I have a email newsletter which have some images to show. 

    My problem is to access the images outside the website. For example, when i typed the url/path of images paced in website, it shows 404 error, because magento think this is a some page name(which is not actually).

    I just want to access those images. For example

    Guys, please help. I am stucked in this.


    Thanks in advance


    1. Hello Amrinder,

      You may want to make this a new question under the Magento category.

      By the basic description, we would not be able to give any advice. Do you have a specific link to an image in your newsletter you can share so we can check? Also, if you are a customer, we are able to assist by checking files and folders in the account for things such as permissions, or hotlink protection, etc.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

    2. Hello Jonathan,

      Word press posts do not exist in the account as files. Each post, page, etc is created at the time it is clicked by the server. The data for each post/page is kept in the wordpress database.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for contacting us today. After creating a phpinfo page, you should be able to see your PHP settings right away.

      If it is not, we are happy to help, but will need some additional information.

      What happens when you go to your phpinfo page? Are you getting any errors? What are the errors?

      Can you provide a link to the page you are creating, so we can test the problem?

      Thank you,


    2. Hello Joseph,

      Thank you for contacting us. We are happy to help, but will need some additional information.

      What is happening, are you getting any errors?

      Is this a new subdomain? Keep in mind newly created domains/subdomains can take up to 24 hours to propagate.

      Is the domain name pointed to our nameservers? If not, you must create the subdomain where your DNS is hosted, and point it to your shared IP.

      If you have any further question, feel free to post them below.
      Thank you,

    3. Hello Joseph,

      Thank you for your feedback. Our guide on moving your websiteto InMotion Hosting may help with your transfer.

      Also keep in mind Live Support is available 24/7 365 days a year, and we are located in Virginia Beach.

      If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.


    4. Hello Mors,

      Thank you for your question. As long as your user has permission to the .js, and .php file, you should be able to access it via absolute path.

      If you have any further questions, please feel free to post them below.

      Thank you,

  46. How to fix the php issue? I won’t execute the simple phpinfo().

  47. Hi everyone,

    I’ve been searching for couple days and really fraustrated and did could not found the answer I am looking for. I have a small web application which uses php, javascript, jquery, and html. the only file the user is supposed to see is html file. java script and jquery are the only files communicating with php script (sending data over and receiving data). Therefore, I don’t want to place my php file inside htdocs and I rather put it in cgi-bin. But my problem is when I place them in any folder before htdocs, it does not work. for example: if my html file is in htdocs and i leave my files in htdocs/bin/myJsfile.js , myPhp.php , it works.

    I’m using apache 2.2 and I’m sure I have the correct permisson for cgi-bing which is 755. Overall, the only reason for me to do that is because if the user opens up my js file from page source view, they can see what is the name of php file it’s communicating with which can be very harmful. The reason is if the user search for example: localhost/myphp.php, it means they can have access to that actual file, regardless of they wont see the code. 

    Is there anyway I can place and read php file on cgi-bin?

    I appreciate if someone help me with that.


  48. How to ftp to my root directory?  I’m learning web development and I would like to know how to move my files/pictures to the root directory so people can see my webpage.  Also, would you please tell me if inmotion server support C++ script?

    Thank you,

    1. Hello Binh,

      The root folder for your primary domain name is public_html. The root folder for any addon domain would be named after the domain and under the public_html folder. For example, if you had an addon domain for the root folder would be public_html/

      As for the C++ scripts, they cannot run in the default server setup, but can be set up if you have root access on a VPS or Dedicated server.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

    2. Too early for me to judge. Wait till I upload my site folders and files and then I willl know whether you are better than godaddy. If so, I will consider moving my other sites from godaddy to inmotion.

  49. In the past there was the option of uploading multiple images. It is no longer there. This is a huge inconvenience. Even if I were to upload them through ftp, there is no folder for the photo albums to place them in. This is one of my main uses for sharing religion and family events. Can the team make it so that at least through ftp, we can upload into album folders?

    1. Hello Jag,

      You can use FTP to upload multiple images at once to the server.

      For instance, on your desktop if you created a folder called my_images, and then inside that folder created another 3 folders called religion, family, and photos and then started placing images that fit into each of those categories into those folders. You could then simply connect with FTP to the server and upload the my_images folder from your desktop to the /public_html directory on the server.

      You would then be able to access those images from your website, for instance if your website was you would access those uploaded images at:

      Or you can just create the folders directly on the server via FTP that you’d like to move images into and upload multiple images that way too.

      Please let us know if you have any further questions at all!

      – Jacob

    1. Hello Ben,

      Thank you for your comment. While it is not common, there are ways to change your document root; here is a link to our full guide.

      If you are on a shared server, you would have to submit a ticket, and request that Live Support make the change for you.

      If you have a VPS or Dedicated server, you can make the change with Root access.

      Changing a primary domain’s doc root is NEVER RECOMMENDED by InMotion Hosting. cPanel restores packages based on default settings and miss document root changes. So if the account is moved, the accounts with the doc root change may break.

      If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
      Thank you,


  50. Hello Gulf Safety,

    Thanks or the comment. As per my earlier reply, some of the older accounts may have an index file, but any newly purchased account starts with a “default.htm”. The article above refers to a “document root” which is set to PUBLIC_HTML by default. However, this can be changed as per our article: Changing the document root.

    If you have any questions, let me know.
    Arnel C.

  51. This article was written for older accounts that have the INDEX.HTML file within the public_html folder. Our apologies for any confusion. I will update the article with a note shortly.

    Gulf Safety Equips Trading LLC

  52. Hello Tmgiles6,

    If your account is fairly recent you will NOT see the INDEX.HTML file. They have removed it and only the default.html file exists now. If you place any type of index file into the public_html folder, it will automatically become the primary index file.

    This article was written for older accounts that have the INDEX.HTML file within the public_html folder. Our apologies for any confusion. I will update the article with a note shortly.

    If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


    Arnel C.

  53. You say in this article to delete InMotion’s index.html file and we shouldn’t see the “Website Coming Soon” page. I can’t find that file. Where is it located?

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