How to Import/Export Softaculous Settings in WHM

In this article, we cover how to important and export Softaculous administration settings within WebHost Manager (WHM). The settings file is a small compressed zip file generally under 5MB.

This article only applies to VPS and Dedicated Hosting servers. Shared Business Hosting customers do not have WHM access.

Don’t have Softaculous yet? Purchase it from AMP and save time installing future websites.

Import or Export Settings

  1. Log in to WHM as root.
  2. On the left, select Softaculous – Instant Installer.
  3. On the left, select Settings, then Import/Export.
  4. Import or export Softaculous settings as needed.
The Softaculous Zip File Layout in Engrampa

After exporting settings, consider creating a checksum with best practices for security during data transfer.

Learn more about Softaculous administration with our Softaculous Education Channel.

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