WebPro Archives - InMotion Hosting Support Center https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/ Web Hosting Support & Tutorials Mon, 30 Oct 2023 18:46:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/imh_favicon_hd.png WebPro Archives - InMotion Hosting Support Center https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/ 32 32 How a WebPro can Purchase Product for a Client https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-a-webpro-can-purchase-product-for-a-client/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-a-webpro-can-purchase-product-for-a-client/#respond Mon, 13 Jan 2020 14:53:03 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=51678 Read More >]]> The WebPro can purchase a product for a client in the WebPro Administrator Dashboard. You can also select a product and send the cart to a client via email to approve. Once given permission by a client, a WebPro can purchase subscriptions for a client as needed. Follow the steps below to learn how to select a product and purchase for a WebPro client.

Looking for a new home for your WordPress site? Check out InMotion’s WordPress Hosting solutions. You’ll find optimized and managed servers that meet your budget needs.

How to Give Full Access to a WebPro

Before a WebPro can buy a product for a client, the client will need to allow the WebPro to have full access to the account. The following steps are from the client’s perspective on how to allow a WebPro full access to their account.

  1. Log in to the Account Management Panel (AMP).
  2. Click on My WebPro.
  3. When the client card appears, scroll to the Account Access section and click on the box labeled Full Account Access.

The WebPro’s access will be updated automatically for the account. You can see a sample of a client card in the screenshot below.

Purchasing a Product

Once the client has given their WebPro access to their account, then a product can be purchased and added to the account.

  1. Login to the Account Management Panel (AMP).
  2. Select the client account. You will not need to enter the client card, but the shop link is both in the WebPro Administrator Dashboard and also in the client card.
  3. Click on the Shop link at the bottom of the client card or on the client card screen.
  4. You will see a list of the Hosting Subscriptions you can purchase. Select the one that you wish to add to the account.
  5. Select the term for the subscription and then click on the Add button.
  6. You will subscription added to a cart. You can still change the term for the subscription and change it if needed.
  7. After you have confirmed that the item you selected is confirmed, click on the radial button that is labeled Pay with my Card.
  8. You will see the email message removed. Click on the Purchase Cart button. This will process the sale using the credit card attached to the WebPro account.

The slideshow below shows the WebPro Dashboard, where to find the Shop links, and the shopping cart with the purchase option selected.

Congratulations! You can now purchase products for your clients in the WebPro interface. To learn more, go to the WebPro Product Guide.

https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-a-webpro-can-purchase-product-for-a-client/feed/ 0
How to Send Shopping Links to a WebPro Client https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-send-shopping-links-to-a-webpro-client/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-send-shopping-links-to-a-webpro-client/#respond Mon, 13 Jan 2020 14:51:24 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=51657 Read More >]]> The WebPro interface allows a website administrator/designer/owner to have full access to a client account. This means that they can control the subscriptions purchased as well as access billing on the account. A WebPro can select the product and then email shopping links to the client for approval. Follow the steps below and you will learn how to send a shopping link to a WebPro client.

Looking for a new home for your WordPress site? Check out InMotion’s WordPress Hosting solutions. You’ll find optimized and managed servers that meet your budget needs.

Add a Subscription to WebPro Account

Before the client can receive the link either asking for approval for a subscription purchase or confirming the purchase by the WebPro, a subscription must be chosen to add to the cart that will be linked in an email. WebPros select the subscription in just a few easy steps:

  1. Login to the WebPro Interface.
  2. Open the account where the subscription purchase will be selected.
  3. Click on the Add button to the subscription that they want to purchase. Change the subscription period if needed.
Pick a product subscription to add to the card.

The next part is simply determining if you’re going to email the cart with the subscription purchased or not purchased. The WebPro may want to purchase the subscription with their account. The email of the cart link would still be sent, but only with confirmation of the purchase by the WebPro.

  1. Select if you’re going to email the cart to the client for them to purchase and approve, or pay with your WebPro account.
  2. Edit the email if you want to make it more specific or personal for the account in question.
  3. Click on the Send Cart button.
Selec to pay for the product subscription, or simply send the cart for the client to approve and purchase the item. Edit the email and then click on the Send Cart button to send the shopping cart link.

That completes our tutorial on sending the shopping cart link to a WebPro client. If you have any further questions, please see the WebPro Product Guide articles

https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-send-shopping-links-to-a-webpro-client/feed/ 0
How to use Single Sign-On for WordPress through WebPro https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-use-single-sign-on-for-wordpress-through-webpro/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-use-single-sign-on-for-wordpress-through-webpro/#respond Mon, 28 Oct 2019 14:29:22 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=48746 Read More >]]> If you’re a website manager or developer working with many accounts, then you know the frustration of having to deal with multiple usernames/password combinations. We’ve developed a Single Sign-On (SSO) function enabling you to access your WordPress website directly from the WebPro interface.

Looking for a new home for your WordPress site? Look no further than InMotion’s WordPress Hosting solutions! You’ll find servers designed for security and performance while providing you flexible options that meet your budget.

Using Single Sign-On (SSO)

The WebPro interface allows account owners to give access to their accounts to approved web pros. This, in turn, allows the web pro to log in directly into a linked client account. Follow the directions below to use Single Sign-on for WordPress.

WebPro Dashboard
This is an example of a WebPro’s Dashboard. The WordPress login is on each account that has it enabled.
  1. Log in to the Account Management Panel (AMP).
  2. Once you’re logged into AMP you will either see the normal dashboard or the WebPro interface (if it’s enabled). If it’s not enabled, click on the WebPro icon.
  3. When the WebPro dashboard is displayed you will see entries representing each account that the WebPro can access. If the account has WordPress then you will see a WordPress icon and a labeled as Login as Admin. Click on this link to enter the WordPress Administrator Dashboard.

Congratulations! You now know how to use single sign-on for WordPress through the WebPro interface. To learn more about WebPro, please see the WebPro Product guide tutorials in the InMotion Hosting Support Center.

https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-use-single-sign-on-for-wordpress-through-webpro/feed/ 0
How to Access the WebPro Dashboard https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/access-webpro-dashboard/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/access-webpro-dashboard/#respond Wed, 12 Jun 2019 20:00:44 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=43416 Read More >]]> As a WebPro, you can be granted shared access to manage client’s Account Management Panel (AMP) as you would your own account. This allows you both to maintain security for your individual account without using shared login credentials. Below we’ll cover how to access the clients account from your WebPro Dashboard.

Access WebPro Dashboard

  1. Log into AMP.
  2. Click the WebPro Dashboard icon under Manage My Account.
  3. Click Access Account on a linked account.
    After accessing a client’s account, you’ll see a top banner stating Accessing domain‘s Account.

Access Levels

WebPro clients can specify one of the following access levels for linked WebPro administrators:

Full Access includes technical, billing, and domain management features for all subscriptions. However, Admins can NOT edit your AMP login credentials, ensuring you alone can edit shared access.
Technical Access includes non-billing functions for specific hosting products – e.g. cPanel, WHM, Website Creator Single Sign-On (SSOand WordPress Single Sign-on.

Domain ManagementComing Soon – includes non-billing access to domain functions – nameservers, glue records, and toggling domain privacy.

Billing ManagementComing Soon – includes AMP billing functions: renew subscriptions, edit credit card info, and purchase product addons such as Backup Manager and SSL Certificates.

Remember, InMotion Hosting provides great addons to improve your website’s performance.

https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/access-webpro-dashboard/feed/ 0
How to Transfer Product Subscriptions in the Web Pro Administrator https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-transfer-product-subscriptions-in-the-web-pro-administrator/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-transfer-product-subscriptions-in-the-web-pro-administrator/#respond Wed, 29 May 2019 17:40:01 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=42851 Read More >]]> Webpro icon in AMP

As a WebPro, you have the ability to transfer product subscriptions to new or existing accounts. It is easier to manage account details when you transfer your domain or hosting account to the WebPro interface. Follow the steps below to learn how to use the WebPro Transfer feature for either a domain or hosting subscription.


  1. Login to your Account Management Panel and select the WebPro Dashboard
  2. Select Start New Transfer
  3. Select the Subscription you wish to transfer. You will also need to select if you are transferring to a New Account or Existing Account.

    If this is a New Account, you need to enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email address (Note: The recipient may change these details upon confirming the transfer).

    If you are transferring to an Existing Account, you may use the receiving account’s Email address or AMP ID.

    AMP ID

    What is an Account Management Panel ID (AMP ID)? The Account Management Panel ID or AMP ID is the number found in the upper right corner of the “Manage My Account” section of the AMP interface.

  4. Select Transfer to transfer the account.

Remember that the owner of the account will still need to confirm the transfer. Once the confirmation is complete, then the transfer will be finalized. If you have any pending transfers, you can select the Pending in the WebPro Dashboard to check their status. You may resend the email notice of the transfer at any time. Congratulations! You now know how to transfer subscriptions into your WebPro Dashboard!

https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-transfer-product-subscriptions-in-the-web-pro-administrator/feed/ 0
WebPro Single Sign-on https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/single-sign-on-login/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/single-sign-on-login/#respond Wed, 29 May 2019 13:58:10 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=42675 Read More >]]> We understand the frustration of having to remember so many usernames/password combinations. BoldGrid normally requires separate login credentials. But we’ve developed a Single Sign-On (SSO) function enabling you to access your WordPress for Small Business website directly from your Account Management Panel (AMP) login.

How to Use Single Sign-On (SSO)

  1. Log into AMPhttps://inmotionhosting.com/amp.
  2. Type in your user name and password, then complete the reCAPTCHA.
  3. Once logged in, scroll down and click on the icon labeled Manage My Website.

Check out our Support Center to learn more about managing BoldGrid.

https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/single-sign-on-login/feed/ 0
How to Edit WebPro Access (client) for Multiple Account Subscriptions https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/multiple-client-subscriptions-webpro/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/multiple-client-subscriptions-webpro/#respond Fri, 23 Nov 2018 18:56:25 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/2018/11/23/multiple-client-subscriptions-webpro/ Read More >]]> A common situation that you may encounter as an InMotion Hosting customer is selecting the appropriate account(s) when you have multiple subscriptions that may or may not be accessible to a WebPro. How is this handled within the WebPro interface? InMotion Hosting provides an easy to use solution for clients who provide access to a WebPro using the interface within the Account Management Panel (AMP). Follow the steps below to learn how to edit WebPro access with the interface provided within AMP.

Note that the following instructions apply to InMotion Hosting accounts that have integrated WebPro access.

How Clients can Edit WebPro Access when there are Multiple Account Subscriptions

  1. Login to the Account Management Panel (AMP)
  2. Once you’re logged in, click on the My WebPro icon if necessary. When you’re in the WebPro dashboard you will see the WebPro contact card and the accounts that are linked to the WebPro. Accounts that are part of this account will be listed under Subscribed Accounts
  3. Next to each of your subscribed accounts, you will see a checkbox. If the box is checked, then the WebPro will have access to that account. Click on the box to link an account, or click on a checked box to unlink an account.
  4. Click on the Save Access button labeled Update Access in order to save your changes.

That completes our tutorial on editing WebPro from a client’s WebPro interface. To learn more about the WebPro interface, please see our Product Guide for the WebPro.

https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/multiple-client-subscriptions-webpro/feed/ 0
Unlinking from Your WebPro Through the Client Interface https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/unlink-webpro-client/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/unlink-webpro-client/#respond Mon, 12 Nov 2018 20:56:17 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/2018/11/12/unlink-webpro-client/ Read More >]]> If your InMotion Hosting Account no longer requires WebPro Access or if you have decided that you simply wish to terminate the WebPro connection to your site, you are able to easily unlink accounts within the Account Management Panel (AMP) interface. Follow the steps below to unlink WebPro from your account.

How to Unlink your Account from WebPro

  1. Login to the Account Management Panel (AMP)
  2. AMP User ID

    Click on the WebPro: Link Accounts icon.

  3. WebPro Contact Card

    You then see the My WebPro page which has the WebPro’s contact information. In the top right of the box housing the WebPro information is the link titled unlink. Click on this link.

  4. A confirmation of the unlink request will appear. Click to confirm that you wish to unlink the account or cancel to stop the process. Note that once you have unlinked the account, further access by the WebPro will cease.

That completes our tutorial on unlinking the WebPro from your account! As you can see, it was a very simple task. If you have any further questions you can always contact our live technical support team for assistance. Please see our other guides learn more about the WebPro interface.

https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/unlink-webpro-client/feed/ 0
Connecting to Your WebPro (Client) https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/connect-to-your-webpro-client/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/connect-to-your-webpro-client/#respond Mon, 12 Nov 2018 20:51:51 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/2018/11/12/connect-to-your-webpro-client/ Read More >]]> If you are an InMotion Hosting customer and you want to work with a WebPro, or if you’re contacted by one, your approval process is very simple. First, though, why would you use a WebPro? And why give a WebPro access to your account? WebPros are managers and developers who manage or work on your websites. They will only have access to the interfaces that deal with the management of your website and do not have access to your billing information. The main advantage of access is that they can quickly get to your account without any special credentials. So, instead of the hassle of having to give out specific passwords to your account, you can simply approve WebPro access and then let them work on your website. You will also be able to unlink your account at any point. This article briefly discusses the contact with a WebPro before and after your InMotion Hosting accounts are linked.

How to Connect with Your WebPro (Client)

  1. AMP User ID

    There are a couple different ways that WebPro may get in touch with you initially. They may touch base with you through a face-to-face meeting or other means. In any case, the WebPro does require your approval before they can link to your account. So to summarize, the WebPro will need to communicate with you that either they or you want to link your account to their WebPro Admin account. You will need to provide your AMP User ID for this process.

    The AMP User ID can be found by logging into the Account Management Panel (AMP) and then looking towards the top right corner of the account.

  2. Web Pro ID

    After the initial communication, the WebPro will go into their interface and then use the identification that you have provided to request that they have access to your account. When you provide Account Access you have a few choices:

    Full Account Access and Domain Management. Full Account Access is exactly what it means – the Webpro would have full access to your account. This is not always necessary, but if you wish to leave all matters of administration and billing to their control, then you can allow it with this option.

    Domain Management allows the Webpro to manage the domains that you have registered through InMotion Hosting.

  3. email from WebPro

    When the WebPro requests to link to your account you will receive an email request through the email address associated with the InMotion Hosting account. In order to approve the link request, scroll to the bottom of the message and click on Approve Account Linking

That completes the linking of your account. There are some internal processes that need to complete, so the approval may take several minutes. Once it is completed you will be able to see the My WebPro icon in your AMP interface. The WebPro Contact card in AMP will contain the most relevant contact information for your WebPro. You can use the information to contact your WebPro via phone or email. Please see our other guides to learn more about the WebPro interface.

https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/connect-to-your-webpro-client/feed/ 0
How to Unlink Accounts in the WebPro Admin https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-unlink-accounts-in-the-webpro-admin/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-unlink-accounts-in-the-webpro-admin/#respond Fri, 02 Nov 2018 21:33:36 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/2018/11/02/how-to-unlink-accounts-in-the-webpro-admin/ Read More >]]> Occasionally, there may be a time when you must unlink an account from your WebPro dashboard. This is a simple task and only requires that you be able to login to your dashboard. Follow the steps below to unlink a client from your WebPro Admin account.

Unlinking Accounts in the WebPro Administrator Dashboard

  1. Login to your Account Management Panel (AMP).
  2. WebPro iconIf your account does not default to the WebPro Dashboard, then click on the WebPro icon.
  3. Select account to unlink if you have multiple accounts linked to WebProWhen you are in the WebPro Admin dashboard you will see the InMotion accounts that have been linked. Click on the account that you want to unlink.
  4. Webpro AdminYou will then see the card for the account. Click on the Unlink icon in the top right corner of the card to start the account unlinking process.
  5. Unlink accountYou will then see a confirmation screen asking to make sure that you want to unlink the account. Click on Cancel in order to stop the process or click on Unlink Account in order to confirm the removal.

You now know how to unlink accounts through your WebPro Dashboard. For information, please see the WebPro Product Guide page.

https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/webpro/how-to-unlink-accounts-in-the-webpro-admin/feed/ 0