weForms Archives - InMotion Hosting Support Center https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/ Web Hosting Support & Tutorials Fri, 04 Nov 2022 22:09:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/imh_favicon_hd.png weForms Archives - InMotion Hosting Support Center https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/ 32 32 What is ConvertKit for weForms? https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/what-is-convertkit/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/what-is-convertkit/#respond Wed, 02 Nov 2022 13:15:43 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=101301 Read More >]]>
What is ConvertKit for weForms - header image

ConvertKit is an email marketing service that you can use to send emails, newsletters, or other email content that can help to grow your audience. It can be integrated into your WordPress site using weForms. You can then gather customer information and start marketing campaigns that help to generate sales leads for your business.

In order to use ConvertKit with weForms, you will learn how it is integrated into weForms. Then, we will discuss the features of ConvertKit and how they can be used to help increase your sales leads.

Integrating Convertkit Through weForms

There are three major steps in integrating ConvertKit to weForms: Setting up your Convertkit account, Connecting your ConvertKit account, and Enabling ConvertKit in your forms.

Setting Up your Convertkit Account

Signing up for ConvertKit is free. There is a 14-day trial account that allows you to do what their Creator-level accounts can do. Otherwise, their accounts require payment when you go above 300 subscribers and want to do more than just grow your list of subscribers. For more details, you can check out the ConvertKit pricing page.

After you finish signing up for ConvertKit, your account will have an Account settings page where you will be able to get the API and Secret key. The keys are located in the Advanced section. Remember this location as you will need the keys for your plugin to integrate into weForms.

location of the APi keys in ConvertKit settings under Advanced

Connecting your ConvertKit Account

Once you have created your ConvertKit account you will be able to enable it and then connect it in weForms.

Note: The PRO version of weForms is required for the use of the ConvertKit module.

  1. Log in to your WordPress Administrator.
  2. In the main menu, click on weForms, then click on Modules.
  3. Scroll down through your modules until you find ConvertKit Integration. It should be enabled by default, but you can click on the slider to enable it if necessary.

    ConvertKit in weForm Settings

After ensuring that the module has been enabled, your next still be to add API and secret key into the weForms settings for ConvertKit.

  1. Click on weForms, then click on Settings.
  2. When you’re on the weForms Settings page you will see a column of items to the left of the page. Scroll down until you find ConvertKit. Click on it.
  3. Here you will find two fields: API Key and API Secret. Go back to your ConvertKit account and copy the keys into these fields.

    Settings in weForms for API keys to connect ConvertKit
  4. Click on the Save Changes button.

weForms has a step-by-step list for enabling ConvertKit that you can also refer to for this process.

Enabling ConvertKit in your Forms

The final step in integrating ConvertKit into your forms is to create forms where the fields are linked to ConvertKit.

  1. Click on weForms, then click on All Forms.
  2. Create a new form, or edit an existing one.
  3. In the form click on Integrations.
  4. When you get to the integrations search for ConvertKit. Make sure the slide is enabled then click on the gear to open up the mapping fields portion for the form.

  5. You will need to first select a list (from ConvertKit) at the top of this form. Then map the fields of the form you have created in weForms with the list that you selected. These fields will appear under “Mapping Fields.” The only required field is email. but you can customize the ConvertKit fields you are mapping to match your weForms form.
  6. Click Save Form to complete the integration tab for your form.
  7. Double-check that your form appears correctly when called from your website.

Viewers of that form who fill it out will be emailed a confirmation email. When that email is confirmed, then a subscriber is created and saved in the “list” that you have selected from ConvertKit. The form that you have created in weForms is generating an email list.

The ConvertKit-integrated list could be email subscribers to a newsletter, users asking for more information on a particular topic, people asking for notifications about an event, or other information you can request in the form. ConvertKit allows you to organize these requests and build new sales leads based on the information you are receiving.

Why Should You Use ConvertKit for weForms?

The best reasons for using the ConvertKit integration into weForms include its ease of use in managing your email marketing, the ability to organize email lists, and the ability to help increase conversions based on the interests of your subscribers.

Ease of Use

Creating forms integrated with ConvertKit in weForms is one of the easiest things you can start with when beginning your email marketing efforts. You can easily increase your email subscribers through weForms and then manage the created list in ConverKit.

ConvertKit provides you with tools and templates to create content beyond the forms that you can create in weForms. You can create broadcasts with an A/B test option that is built into their interface making it very easy and quick to create different messages with content for testing.

AB Testing option in ConvertKit

You can also build sequences where you have multiple emails set up to be sent in a particular order for all or parts of your email list.

Organize Email Lists

ConvertKit allows you to organize your lists with tags or segments. Tags are used to organize people and segments are used to organize tags. For example, you might have a bunch of people interested in Mexican or Italian food. Tags can be used to identify those people. A segment in your account could be labeled “Food” and then include the tags of Mexican or Italian.

This allows you to have multiple marketing campaigns where you can apply only portions of your list based on the tags/segments. This feature allows you to maximize your efforts in the appropriate areas while retaining customers in other areas that may not need as much attention.

Help Increase Conversions

The ultimate goal of your marketing efforts is to increase your revenue. It is also important to remember that your efforts in organizing your users help you to understand the needs of your customers. In turn, you are building trust and increasing your potential sales leads through your email marketing efforts.

Email marketing can often be something that you dread because it means managing a list that can consist of thousands of addresses. weForms provides a great solution with the option to integrate ConvertKit into your WordPress site.

Use ConvertKit for weForms to easily build forms that help increase your audience and your sales.

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How to Use the Date/Time Field in weForms https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/date-time-field/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/date-time-field/#respond Sat, 22 Oct 2022 00:31:21 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=101023 Read More >]]>

When you want a user to add the date or time to your form then you will need to use the date/time field. The date and time can provide the information needed for a past event, or help to set the deadline for an upcoming event. You can also use it to mark your present time.

This article will walk you through adding the date/time field and its options when creating a form with weForms. We will also provide examples to show how the field can appear in a form.

Using the Date/Time Field

In order to add the date/time field in weForms you will need to be logged in to the WordPress Administrator dashboard. You can be working with a blank new form or editing an existing form.

  1. In the WordPress Dashboard, click on weForms, then click on All Forms.
  2. This will bring up a table showing the existing forms that have been created within your WordPress installation. If you just loaded the weForms plugin, then you may only see the Contact Form that comes with the installation. Click on Add Form, or select an existing form to edit.

    List of created forms
  3. When you have the form open, you can click on the Custom Fields in the right column to add a field to the form. Look through the fields and find the Date/Time field. Click on it to add it to the form.

    Adding  the date time field
  4. When you add the field, it will be added to the bottom of the fields that exist on the form already. However, you can immediately move the field using your mouse to move the field where you want it to be. Left-click on the field with your mouse to select it. You will see a black toolbar appear.

    Black toolbar
  5. The black toolbar has 4 icons that allow you to do the following (from left to right): Move the field, Edit the field options, Duplicate the field or Delete the field. Click on the pencil icon in order to edit the field options.

    Click on the edit icon to edit the field
  6. The field options will appear on the right side of the screen. Click on the Field Label and type in “Date” to replace “Date/Time.” You will see the change occur on the form and in the field options.

    Change the field label
  7. When you’re done making changes to the Field Options, you can click on Save Form in the top right corner in order to save your form.

This is a list of all the Field options and Advanced options that apply to the Date/Time Field:

  • Field Label – label used to name the field in the form
  • Meta key – name of the meta key that this field stores to
  • Help text – text that appears under the field to provide information or instruction
  • Required – (Yes/No) – requires that you provide input for the field (you can’t skip it)

Advanced Options

The advanced options section may be collapsed by default. In order to see the options, click on the arrow (>) to the right of the options label.

  • Field Size – changes the appearance of the field so that it is small, medium, or large
  • CSS Class Name – container class name for this field. They include: wpuf-col-half, wpuf-col-half-last, wpuf-col-one-third, wpuf-col-one-third-last
  • Dynamic value population (Allow field to be populated dynamically) – allows the field value or options to be populated dynamically through a filter hook or query string. (Please see How to Use Dynamic Value for specific details)
  • Date Format – this determines the format of the date within the field.

    The default format is: dd/mm/yy

    You can change this format by simply clicking into the field and re-arranging the letters representing the date (d = day, m= month, y = year). For example, the date could be: mm/dd/yyyy
  • Enable time input – enables time input into the date/time field. When this option is enabled, you can see the time input options under the calendar

    Add time field
  • Set this as publish time input – allows the publishing input time to be set with this option
  • Toggle Keyboard input for Date (Force Datepicker Input) – allows you to select if the user can add the date through a keyboard or using the date picker interface. The date picker interface appears in the screenshot above.
  • Conditional Logic – allows you to make a query (with conditions) that provides the viewer with a selection. For more detail, please see How to Use Conditional Logic

Examples of Using the Date/Time Field

The date/time field can be used in many ways within weForms. These two examples show how it is set in the form editor and how it appears during the preview.

Date/Time field example 1
The date/time field is changed to have a 4-digit year with help text added under the field.

You can also request that the user add the time so that you can provide priority for requests. In this case, the form is a request for a quote.

Time input is enabled for the Date/Time field.
Time can be seen added for the date/time field.

Using the date/time field in weForms is a commonly used field to help provide important information. For example, it allows you to get date/time information that you can use for determining deadlines, remembering birthdays, setting priorities, etc. weForms makes it possible quickly add the field to its forms while providing the flexibility to add custom formatting through CSS or changing the way in which the date/time info is added.

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How to Use the File Upload Feature in weForms https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/file-upload-field/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/file-upload-field/#respond Sat, 22 Oct 2022 00:22:44 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=101032 Read More >]]> How to Use the File Upload Feature in weForms - header image

There will be times when you create a form and require a document or some type of file that is needed to be uploaded to the server. weForms provides two fields for file uploads that can be added to a form – Image Upload and File Upload.

This article will guide you through creating a form with these fields, provide details on their options, and then discuss the reasons for using file uploads in a form.

Adding the File Upload Field

In order to add the File Upload (or Image Upload) field to a weForms form, you will need to be logged in to the WordPress Administrator dashboard. You can add the field in a blank new form, or by editing an existing one.

  1. Click on weForms in the main menu, then click on All Forms.
  2. This will display all of the forms that have been created. You can select an existing form in order to edit it, or you can click on the Add Form button at the top of the page.
  3. When the form opens, you will see the form on the left side and the Add Fields option to the right.

    Blank form with field selected
  4. The Custom Fields under the Add Fields tab include the File Upload and Image Upload fields. In order to add them to your form, simply click on each one. The screenshot highlights the added fields.

    adding the upload fields
  5. Once you’re finished adding the fields, and you’re finished editing your form, click on Save Form in the top right corner.

Using the Field Options

Each field that you add to the form can be customized using the field options tab.

  1. Open your saved form, if you’re not already in it.

    Blank form with upload fields
  2. Click on the image or file upload field on the form. When you click on the field you will see a black menu bar appear. The 4 options (from left to right) are: move field, edit field options, duplicate field, and delete field.

    Click on the second field which looks like a pencil icon. This will open the field options in the column at the right. These options will allow you to customize the field.

    Edit upload field

The Field Options tab for both Image Upload and File Upload includes two main sections:

File/Image Upload options:

  • Field Label – the name of the field as shown on the form
  • Meta key – name of the meta key that the field saves to
  • Help text – allows you to add text that can help the user understand the field. This text will appear under the field in the form.
  • Required – allows you to determine if the field can be skipped or not.
  • Button Label (Image Upload field only) – text that appears in the button on the field

Advanced options:

The advanced options section may be collapsed by default. In order to see the options, click on the arrow (>) to the right of the options label.

  • Max. file size – the maximum size of the file that you can upload
  • Max. files – the maximum number of files that you can upload
  • CSS Class Name – Container class name for this field. They include: wpuf-col-half, wpuf-col-half-last, wpuf-col-one-third, wpuf-col-one-third-last
  • Conditional Logic – allows you to make a query (with conditions) that provides the viewer with a selection. For more detail, please see How to Use Conditional Logic

The File Upload field has one additional area that is not available in the Image Upload field- Allowed Files:

Allowed files that the upload field permits

This advanced option allows the user to restrict the field to a specific type of file(s) that are allowed to be uploaded. The files are grouped by type:

  • Images – jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp
  • Audio – mp3, wav, ogg, wma, mka, m4a, ra, mid, midi
  • Videos – avi, divx, flv,mov, ogv, mkv, mp4, m4v, mpg, mpeg, mpe
  • PDF – pdf
  • Office Documents – doc, ppt, pps, xls, mdb, docx, xlsx, pptx, odt, odp, ods, odg, odc, odb, odf, rtf, txt
  • Zip Archives – zip, gz, gzip rar, 7z
  • Executable Files – exe
  • CSV – csv

Unchecking the box will prevent those file types from being uploaded through the File Upload field.

Reasons for Adding a File Upload Field on a Form

family looking at computer

There are many reasons why you would want viewers of your form to be able to upload files. If you have a photography contest and you want to have pictures uploaded then you can use the Image Upload field in a form.

You may be working on a family history project where you want multiple types of files from contributors. Your form could then use the File Upload field to accept many types of media files and documents.

Or, you might want to have copies of a specific office document in a PDF format. You could use the allowed files option of the File Upload field to restrict the form to accept only that file type.

The flexibility and the power of the upload fields in weForms allow you to be able to support a wide variety of uploads for your personal and business needs.

Whether you’re a teacher using a form to request homework from your students or if you’re an accountant looking for the submission of receipts or expense reports for a business, it’s obvious that the File Upload (or Image Upload) fields can be used to obtain files that can contain critical information.

weForms provides you the flexibility and ease to quickly create forms that can provide or obtain information that will help you move ahead in your personal or professional projects.

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PDF Form Submissions in weForms https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/pdf-form-submissions-in-weforms/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/pdf-form-submissions-in-weforms/#respond Tue, 10 Mar 2020 19:01:00 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=53577 Read More >]]> You can easily download a PDF copy of any submitted form using PDF Form Submissions.

The PDF format’s strength is that it is typically easy to access in spite of the platform that you might be using. So, if you create a PDF form, then it will be easy to share. Since your customers may use a different platform, then PDFs are typically the ideal solution to share a form.

NOTE: PDF Form Submissions are only available with the Business/Developers license.

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How to Enable PDF Form Submissions

Once you have the appropriate license, enabling the PDF Form Submissions module is quick and simple.

  1. You will need to be logged into the WordPress Administrator Dashboard and be able to access the weForms Modules.
  2. Click on weForms Modules.
  3. Find the PDF Forms Submission module. By default, this option is typically enabled. However, if needed click on the toggle to enable it.

Each module setting is automatically enabled or disabled when you make a change. You don’t need to do anything to save a change to the status of the module.

Setting up PDF Form Submissions

PDF Form Submission module - settings
PDF Form Submissions settings

The settings for this module allow you to set the following options for data presented in a PDF form:


Displays what you want to be seen as the header of the submitted data form. This can be a site title, logo, custom HTML or no header at all.

Shown Empty

Shows empty fields in the form that were not filled.

Show Form Name

You can elect to display the form name after the header.

PDF on Browser

This option allows you to open PDF files with your internet browser without having to download the PDF form.

To learn more about weForms, please see the weForms Product Guide.

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Why You Should Upgrade your weForms Plugin https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/why-you-should-upgrade-your-weforms-plugin/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/why-you-should-upgrade-your-weforms-plugin/#respond Wed, 26 Feb 2020 22:07:11 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=53263 Read More >]]> The weForms plugin is InMotions#1 recommended forms plugin. Though you get the basic functionality from the free version of the plugin, there are a wide variety of use cases that could apply to a customer’s business needs. For example, you can create forms based on conditional logic to collect information from customers or provide notifications using SMS so that customers are informed when actions are taken on your site. You can also save time using multi-step forms from the built-in templates provided within weForms.

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weForms Premium Features

While weForms standalone free plugin is a tremendous product, users can unlock many additional templates, fields, and integrations for a wide variety of use cases using the premium versions. Below is a graphic summarizing the different features per the available premium versions:

weForms Free and Premium Version Features Summary

Conditional Logic 

It is simple to collect some basic information on customers, but no customer is alike so a blanket list of questions may prove tedious for a customer to fill out. Using conditional logic, users can build scenarios to ask personalized questions depending on the customer’s previous answers. For example, if a customer answers “yes” to if they have children, using conditional logic, the follow-up question could be “how many”. This feature comes on the most affordable plan, “Personal”, as well as all higher-tier plans. Click here to find more details on using conditional logic in weForms.

Multi-step Forms

Multi-step forms allow you to break up what would otherwise be a long tedious, continuously scrolling form. You can break up the sections and organize your data collection. You would define your steps (the sections of the form) through the WordPress Administrator Dashboard. The customer would see the color-coded section through a progress bar that they see on the front end. Click here to find a step-by-step tutorial on building multi-step forms.


Providing feedback or further information to your customer is a key part of using the notifications feature. You can send a notification through email or use SMS (Short Message Service) that can reach your customer through a mobile device. Using emails for notifications is easy and a feature built-in to weForms. SMS – a message notification can be sent to cel phones, but requires a module activation and an SMS gateway before you can begin to set up the feature. Using notifications allows you to quickly inform your customers that their form was properly received, or request is being processed, etc. It is a valuable way to communicate with your customers showing them that they are valuable to your cause or business. Click on the following links to learn more about using email notifications or SMS notifications with your weForms plugin.

These features are just few of the features that you can integrate into the forms you can create with weForms. Upgrade your weForms plugin and give your WordPress site a boost in its ability to collect information as well as communicate with your customers. To learn more about implementing weForms features check out the weForms Documentation site.

How to Upgrade your weForms Plugin

Upgrading your weForms plugin is as simple as clicking a link. The weForms home page provides cost and features available for each premium version. Head to the weFormspro.com website to upgrade your weForms plugin now!

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How to Add Google Maps in weForms https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/how-to-add-google-maps-in-weforms/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/how-to-add-google-maps-in-weforms/#respond Fri, 31 Jan 2020 10:40:00 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=52609 Read More >]]> One of the more common forms that you will use with weForms is the Contact Form. Along with your contact information, it is now common to include a map of your location. weForms includes the ability to add Google Maps making this task very simple. The following article will show you where to add your Google Maps API key and how to add it to a form.

Per Google: “New Users: Before you can start using the Google Maps Platform APIs and SDKs, you must sign up and create a billing account. To learn more, see Get Started with Google Maps Platform. ” For more information, please see the Google Maps Platform documentation page.

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Where to add the Google API Key in weForms


As per Google, you will need to have a billable account before you can get the actual Google Maps API key. The instructions below will require that you’re logged into the WordPress Administrator Dashboard.

Google Maps API Key field in weForms seettings
  1. Click on weForms on the main menu.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on Google Map.
  4. Click in the API Key field and paste the key that you obtained from Google.
  5. Click on Save Changes.

Your next step will be to add the map to your form.

Add Google Maps to your Form

  1. Select the form that you want to edit or create a new form.
  2. In the Form Editor, click on Google Map. If your key has been added properly, then the option will be available to you.
  3. In the editor column on the right, add the address you want to use in the map.
  4. Click on Save Form.

Congratulations! You now know how to add Google Maps to your forms in weForms. To learn more go to the weForms Product Guide.

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How to Enable reCaptcha in weForms https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/how-to-enable-recaptcha-in-weforms/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/how-to-enable-recaptcha-in-weforms/#respond Fri, 31 Jan 2020 10:34:00 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=52456 Read More >]]> One of the problems that a website form will have is how to prevent automatic entries from a robot. These spam entries may often cause issues with the actual data being collected by the form. To prevent this from happening weForms is able to use Google’s reCaptcha. Follow the instructions below to learn how to enable reCaptcha in weForms.

In order to use reCaptcha you will need an account with Google in order to obtain the required API keys. See the Google reCaptcha home page for more information.

Looking for a home for your WordPress site? Check out InMotion’s WordPress Hosting solutions for servers that are secure and scaled to meet your budget needs.

Get the API Keys for reCaptcha

In order to get the API keys for reCaptcha, you will need to have an account with Google. Go to the Google reCaptcha home page. Click on the Admin console button in order to start the process.

Google reCaptcha page

If you don’t have any existing reCaptcha entries, then click on the “+” sign in the top right corner. Otherwise, you will see a screen to register a new site.

Registering Google reCaptcha

Title your reCaptcha, select the type of reCaptcha you wish to use, add your domain name, then add the email address for the owner of the reCaptcha. This is typically the owner or administrator of the website that will get alerts when there are issues detected by the reCaptcha. Accept the terms of service, then click on the Submit button to get your API keys.

Note that some problems have occurred with the v3 version of reCaptcha. Always test your reCaptcha. If you find that the v3 version doesn’t work, then change the keys and use the v2 version. The reCaptcha v3 option is relatively new, but you can find more information in Google’s documentation.

API Keys for reCaptcha in Google

You will then see the reCaptcha API keys. Copy the keys and make sure you can access them to place them in weForms.

Configure weForms to use reCaptcha

Once you have your API keys, you can add them to the settings in weForms. This will complete the process to enable reCaptcha. You will need to be logged into your WordPress Administrator Dashboard to add the keys. In the main menu click on weForms, then click on Settings.

Paste in the corresponding API keys from the Google reCaptcha site. Click on Save Changes to save your keys. The next part is to add reCaptcha to your forms.

Add reCaptcha into a weForms Form

After you have reCaptcha configured within weForms, you can then create forms with it. Go to an existing form or create a new one. The editing screen for the form will now include the option for reCaptcha.

  1. In the WordPress Administrator Dashboard, click on weForms, then select All Forms.
  2. Create a new form (by clicking on Add Form) or select an existing one click to edit it.
  3. In the Add Fields option in the right column, scroll down and click on reCaptcha. This will add reCaptcha to the form. When the field is added, it will not be visible until you roll your mouse pointer over it.
  4. Click on the added reCaptcha field, then click on the pencil icon to edit the field.
  5. You can title the reCaptcha and then select the option you wish to use for the form.
  6. Click on Save Form in the top right corner.

Make sure to check out your form and test the reCaptcha. It will help prevent spam from affecting your form results. The images in the slideshow below match with each step above.

The saved form will now be protected by reCaptcha. The screenshot below shows the option as it was configured in the example above.

Congratulations! You now know how to enable reCaptcha for your forms. For more information, please see our Product Guide for reCaptcha.

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How to Integrate MailChimp with weForms https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/how-to-integrate-mailchimp-with-weforms/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/how-to-integrate-mailchimp-with-weforms/#respond Fri, 31 Jan 2020 10:24:00 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=52459 Read More >]]> MailChimp is an online email marketing platform. weForms allows you to integrate with this powerful tool through its forms. This tutorial shows you how to integrate MailChimp into weForms. You will see how to enable the module, configure it in weForms settings, and set up a contact form that makes use of MailChimp.

In order to integrate MailChimp, you will need to be subscribed to the Professional, Business or Developer version of weForms.

Enabling the MailChimp Module

Before you can use the MailChimp module in weForms, you must enable the MailChimp Module. Follow the steps below to enable it. You will need to be logged into the WordPress Administrator Dashboard.

  1. Click on weForms in the main menu in the WordPress Administrator Dashboard.
  2. Click on Modules.
  3. Click on the toggle to enable MailChimp.
Click on the toggle for MailChimp Integration to enable it

How to Find and Add the MailChimp API to weForms

You will need an API key from MailChimp in order to integrate MailChimp. Follow the steps below to obtain the key and then add it to your weForms installation.

  1. Login to your MailChimp account.
  2. Once you’re logged in, you will see a drop-down arrow next to your user name in the top right corner of the screen. Click on the drop-down arrow and you will see a menu. Click on Profile.
  3. You will then see the Profile screen. Click on Extras to bring up the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on API keys.
  5. If you do not have an API key created for weForms, then you will need to click on the Create A Key button.
  6. Once the key is created, click on “none set” and then label the key “weForms.” This will allow you to identify what the key is being used for.
  7. Click in the key field and copy the API key. The next part is in weForms.
  8. In the WordPress Administrator Dashboard, click on weForms.
  9. Click on Settings.
  10. Click on MailChimp.
  11. Paste the API key into the blank field.
  12. Click on Save Changes.
Paste the API key into the Settings section of weForms in order to complete the integration with MailChimp.

Creating a Contact Form with MailChimp

MailChimp is basically used to send marketing messages or other types of missives to a list of email addresses. One way to capture email addresses for your audience is to use a contact form created with weForms. The steps below use the default contact form that is in weForms.

  1. Log in to the WordPress Administrator Dashboard.
  2. Click on weForms on the menu.
  3. Click on All Forms.
  4. Click on the Add Form button.
  5. At the very top under Default Templates, hover over the Contact Form and click on Create Form.
  6. Click on the Settings tab of the form that is created.
  7. Then click on the Integrations tab.
  8. You will see a number of modules that you can enable. Click on the toggle to enable MailChimp for the form. To the left of the toggle, there is a gear icon that you can use to edit the settings for your MailChimp integration. If you have multiple lists, then you will be able to select them. You can also use the Mapping Fields section to match the input fields with those used in your MailChimp account.
  9. After you’re done editing your settings and your form, click on the Save Form button.
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How to Activate and Add the Google Analytics Module in weForms https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/how-to-activate-and-add-the-google-analytics-module-in-weforms/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/how-to-activate-and-add-the-google-analytics-module-in-weforms/#respond Fri, 31 Jan 2020 10:16:00 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=52602 Read More >]]> One of the best ways to get data about the use of your forms is through Google Analytics. Through integration with your form, you will gather data directly. Follow the instructions below to learn how to activate and add the Google Analytics module.

Note that you will need to have a Professional, Business, or Developer version.

You will need to have a Google Account in order to have a

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Obtain your Google Analytics Tracking ID

To get your tracking ID you will need to log into the Google Analytics account. You can find the instructions on the Google Analytics Help page.

The general steps for obtaining the ID are as follows:

  1. Click on Admin.
  2. Select the account that you want to use from the Account column. Click on the drop-down menu to select
  3. Click on Property Settings in the next column to the right.
  4. You will see the Tracking ID at the top. Copy the ID and make sure you can access it for when you’re in weForms.

Adding the Google ID to your weForms Installation

In order to add the Google ID to your weForms plugin, make sure that you’re logged into the WordPress Administrator Dashboard. You will need to make sure that the Google Analytics Integration module is enabled.

  1. Click on weForms.
  2. Click on Modules.
  3. Click on the toggle switch for Google Analytics.

At this point, the module has been integrated. Your next step will be to add the Google Analytics Tracking ID to weForms. It’s a very simple process. Simply click on weForms Settings, then click on Google Analytics and paste in the tracking ID code that you obtained earlier. Click on Save Changes once you’ve entered the code.

Click into the field and paste the Google Analytics Tracking ID.

Enabling Google Analytics Tracking with the Form

The last thing you will need to do is enable tracking on the form that you’re using.

  1. Click weForms in the WordPress Administrator Dashboard menu.
  2. Click on All Forms and then select (or create) the form that you wish to track.
  3. Click on the Integrations tab on the Form Editor page.
  4. Click on the toggle to enable the tracking with Google Analytics.

Congratulations! You now know how to activate and add the Google Analytics module to weForms. You have also learned how to add it to your forms. To learn more go to the weForms Product Guide.

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How to Add Payments in weForms https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/how-to-add-payments-in-weforms/ https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/weforms/how-to-add-payments-in-weforms/#respond Tue, 28 Jan 2020 15:53:30 +0000 https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/?p=52331 Read More >]]> weForms can create forms for your WordPress site that are set up to take up Payments. Payments in weForms require that you, enable the payments module, set up a payment processor, and create a form for the payment. Follow the steps below to learn how to set up weForms to receive payments.

You will need have the Professional, Business, or Developer version of weForms in order to use the Payment Module.

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Enable Payments

When you need to create a form with a payment field you will first need to enable the Payment module within weForms. You will need to be logged into the WordPress Administrator Dashboard in order to follow the directions below.

  1. Click on weForms in the main menu in the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Click on Modules.
  3. Click on the toggle to enable Payment.
Click on Payment Module

Set up the Payment Settings and a Payment Processor

After you have the module created you will then need to go to the weForms Settings. Here you can edit the payment settings and then set up either Paypal or Stripe as your payment processor. Click on Payment to make the changes described below.

Payment Settings

Payment settings allow you to set currency, currency position, separator symbols, the number of decimals shown, select a payment success page, or use default fields when products are on the form. To make changes to the default settings, simply click on each option and use the drop-down or click in the field to make changes. The screenshot below shows the settings within weForms.

Click on the drop-down menus and fields to change the Payment Settings

Set up a Payment Processor

The process for setting up a payment processor will require that you have accounts with either PayPal or Stripe. Paypal accounts are identified by the associated email address. You will find the options for both of these payment processors under the payment options. Simply scroll down the page to see the options listed below.


  • Redirecting Message – message that informs the user that they are being sent to the PayPal page
  • PayPal Email – the email address that identifies your PayPal account
  • Logo – URL pointing to the logo for your brand
  • Shipping Address – options for requesting a shipping address


  • Redirecting Message – message that tells the user that they are being sent to Stripe
  • Stripe email – the email address that identifies your Stripe account
  • Publishable Key – key from Stripe used to help secure your account and transaction
  • Secret Key – key from Stripe used to help secure your account and transaction
  • Test Publishable Key – option to test your public key
  • Test Secret Key – option to test your secret key
  • Logo – URL pointing to the logo for your brand
  • Company Name – the name of your company
  • Description – the description of your company or website
  • Billing Address – choose to ask for a billing address
  • Shipping Address – choose to ask for a shipping address

Once you have a Payment Processor configured, click on the blue SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom of the screen.

  • PayPal fields
  • Stripe fields

Create a Form with a Payment Field

Creating a form with weForms that includes a payment option is quick and easy to make. weForms provides several default forms that you can use to help model your own custom one. The steps below use the Product Order Form template provided with weForms.

  1. Click on All Forms under the weForms menu.
  2. Click on Add Form.
  3. Scroll down to the Payment Templates and select the Product Order Form. You will need to click on Create Form to see the form created.
  4. The form name defaults to the Product Order Form. You can click on the pencil icon to edit the form name.
  5. Scroll down the form until you find the products. The form includes 3 products that you can edit. Each field is a single product. Click on the field to see the pencil icon that allows you to edit the field. Here you can change the product name, the meta key for the product, and the price of the product. You can also set quantities if needed. As you’re looking at the right side of the weForm edit window you will see the tab for Add Fields. Here you can scroll through the fields until you see the Payment Fields. You can click on any of the fields to add them to your form.
  6. Edit your form until it’s customized for your needs. Click in the top right corner to save your form.

Settings for the Payment Form

When you edit or create a form in weForms each form will have several tabs at the top of the editing screen. The settings for a form that includes a payment can be found in the Payment tab. You can set the options for each Payment Processor that you have selected.


  • PayPal Status – set to enable or disable
  • PayPal Mode – set to production or sandbox
  • Payment Type – cart or donation
  • Pre-fill Email – prefills email address from the form fields if enabled
  • Thank You Page – allows you to select a custom field for thanks (overrides Settings page selection)
  • Different Email – allows you to use a different account for this form
Paypal configuration in the form settings


  • Stripe Status – set to enable or disable
  • Stripe Mode – set to production or sandbox
  • Pre-fill Email – prefills email address from the form fields if enabled
  • Thank You Page – allows you to select a custom field for thanks (overrides Settings page selection)
  • Different keys – allows you to use a different account for this form
Stripe Configuration in the form settings

Make sure that you click in the top right corner to save the form if you make changes to any of these settings.

This completes our tutorial on how to add a payment form using weForms. You should now be able to set up the form, the payment processor options, and each form’s settings. To learn more, please see our Product Guide page for weForms.

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