
Website pillar page header image

Website is a very broad category for organizing the many main topics that are involved when working on creating, managing,  or troubleshooting websites for the internet. This page divides the articles into 7 major sections: Website Creation and Management, Website Troubleshooting, SSL Certificates, Domain Names, Databases, Login Support, Security.

Website Creation and Management

There are many tools or applications that can facilitate website creation, website design, and server management. Here you can find familiar software applications and some great guides for beginners looking into building a website.

Website Troubleshooting

Working on a website will eventually cause you to become familiar with error messages and techniques to troubleshoot problems you might encounter. You can see the articles for website errors in the Website Errors category.

SSL Certificates

If you’ll be accepting credit cards or other sensitive data on your website, you will want to secure it with SSL. You will want to provide secure connections between you and a customer. SSL certificates provide trust and can also help with your search engine rankings.

Domain Names

You can point your domains, add domains or create subdomains in your cPanel. Domain names are important because they are what identifies your website and what people will use to get to your internet location.


There are many things you can do with databases. You will see links to common database procedures. You will also be able to see the guides on many different types and topics databases.

Login Support

There are several ways to get logged into the cPanel interface that is used to manage your website with InMotion Hosting accounts. You will also become familiar with how to recover passwords from the different application interfaces.


Security is extremely important when working on a website. You will need to become familiar with the different ways to secure your website and how privacy laws operate in different parts of the world. There are also guides for security in applications you may have used in the creation of your site.

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